How to save energy in the world ?

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meach meas

Newbie level 2
Mar 19, 2008
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Can you tell me about how to save energy in the world ?

Re: Energy saving

It is all about developping techniques for recycling the resources of nature and utilizing the unconventional non-destructive sources. Like we have plenty of solar energy available which we scarcely use. Making use of this in stead of destructive sources like petroleum is one way of saving energy. Similarly wind energy,water flow all can be and are being used for heavy load.

Energy saving

Can you tell me about how to save energy in the world ?
thats a too broad question

some people save energy by sleeping more and doing less work

Re: Energy saving

Yes, there is no limit for misinterpretation of a question and I will also add my little contribution:
Since E = mc^2, accumulate more mass and store energy, and when you want energy back, convert it into bullwork!
Neverthless, I have a more serious view also in this connection, the basic failure of solar energy schemes is mainly due to nonavailability of cheap storage batteries essential for such systems, since SUN is not preset at night. If only some of the Newtonic brains in the world stopped wasting their brain power in arcade games and concentrated in the development of cheap batteries, solar power could have solved all our energy problems. May be the overhead water tanks used to store water for most of the buildings could be redesigned to be used as large capacitor to store the solar electricity?


Re: Energy saving

use more frequently solar power,wind power,tidal wave power or any natural power generating method other than burnig fosil fuel such as petrol ,diesel or LPG.

Energy saving

use... Renewable resources of energy
use cycle for short distance instead of car....

use smart electronics circuits which detects the environment and adjust light and cooling/heating in the room or office..

use CFL lamps.

Re: Energy saving

Eat less meat since production and processing of meat is very energy intensive !.

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