How to run/extract HFSS files in Matlab?

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Newbie level 3
Mar 2, 2009
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Can anyone please tell me how to run/extract hfss file in matlab

thanks in advance

hfss import csv

what are you looking to extract? You can export simulation results (S-parameters, far field, etc) to data files. I think hfss usually dumps to *.sNp. These can easily be imported. I have a script just for it lying around somewhere

I don't know of any ability to extract an actuall hfss file. You can probably export the geometry of the model to a *.stl. I know there are scripts to handle STL files in matlab, but the associated information (material type, excitations) would not be preserved. All it would be is a wireframe of the model.

If you have any clarification questions, I work in both hfss and matlab, so I'll be glad to help

how to save a .csv file of hfss

i would simulate a fractal antenna using hfss and i can't generate automaticly the different iterations so i think that using a program in matlab than run it under hfss will be very interessant but the problem i'm just begin with hfss, can you help please??

matlab export stl

Thanks a lot AndyECE for your prompt reply
as you said
You can export simulation results (S-parameters, far field, etc) to data files. I think hfss usually dumps to *.sNp. These can easily be imported.

can you please give me the command to export results, which I can type in MAtlab to do this.
I have a file xyz.hfss

ads 2009 export matlab

The easiest way is to create a data table.

From the Project Manager window, right-click results -> new report.

Select the report type:

modal solution data for S params, VSWR, etc
far fields for e field, radiation pattern, etc

Now under Display type, select Data Table.

This brings up the same trace window as you are probably used to for generating XY plots. Select the desired trace, and hit done. Now you have a data table of all your values. Right click anywhere on the table and select 'Export to File'. The easiest one would be a '*.csv'. That's a comma separated values file.

Now to import this into matlab, all you do is say

y = csvread('YourFile.csv', 1, 0);

The 1 tells matlab to start on the second row (skipping the header info). This may be a little confusing because csvread is one of the very few functions in matlab that start the index at 0 instead of 1.

0 means to start on the first column.

You will end up with a matrix where the first column is your sweep variable and the rest is the data.

Let me know if this works or if you have any other questions
ads 2009 csv export matlab

The simulated data can also be exported in .m format of matlab from HFSS.
You need to use the HFSS tab on toolbar then go to -> results-> Solution data-> matrix data-> export->save the file after selecting the file extension.

The data would be in matrix format and you can you this file directly in matlab.

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