How to restore Linux loader after reinstalling Windows?

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Member level 4
Jan 26, 2006
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msr loader

I had reinstalled windows and i need to restore linux looder
thanks in advance

Re: Need urgent help

try to make an upgrade from the linux CD....not an installation

Re: Need urgent help

salma ali bakr said:
try to make an upgrade from the linux CD....not an installation

I have tried this but it didn't work.
any other solutions

Re: Need urgent help

If you have erased the linux partition while installing windows then u can't, restore Linux.
State your problem again with more details, someone might help you.

Re: Need urgent help

sp002 said:
If you have erased the linux partition while installing windows then u can't, restore Linux.
No i didn't erase the Linux partition, i just reinstalled th windows

sp002 said:
State your problem again with more details, someone might help you.
After reinstalling Win XP the boot automatically enter Win XP, so i need to restore Grub which ebables me to choose the OS.

Re: Need urgent help

Yes, the bootloader wouldn't be updated unless "upgrade" the kernel...

May try,

boot by your Distro CD1 (The one can boot)
mkdir /tmp (There has many ways...)
mount /dev/hdx /tmp (x=a,b,c,d)
chroot /tmp bash
grub-install /dev/hdx


Re: Need urgent help

1- boot using CD1 of FC3. (or ur distribuation)
2- dont enter graphical mode but instead enter the following command: linux rescue
3-enter the following : chroot /mnt/sysimage
4-enter the following : grub-install /dev/hda --note i assumed that ur disk which u want to boot 4m is hda "contain the previous grub Bootloader" , u should change it according to ur disk "can be hdc in case of two disks , i think hdb is for the CDROM"
5- enter : exit >>>or just restart

Re: Need urgent help

shiowjyh said:
Yes, the bootloader wouldn't be updated unless "upgrade" the kernel

How can i upgrade the kernel?

Need urgent help

i tried this methode b4 dont update the kernal

Re: Need urgent help

safwatonline said:
i tried this methode b4 dont update the kernal
Why? what will happen?

Need urgent help

nothing just no need for it.

Re: Need urgent help

Kernel upgrade could be done by either install a latest OS or a new kernel rpm package...

What I said previously was not very clear...
Since you were using the same version distro cd, it couldn't call a proper "upgrade" method.
Consequently, system wouldn't allow you to update bootloader either...

This happened on RH AS4.0.


Need urgent help

"grub for dos" is the best choice, it can be loaded by windows loader.

Added after 3 minutes:

some live cd may be used to recovery the MSR loader, for example knoppix.

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