How to read SD card file via Web GUI/App using ESP32?


Junior Member level 2
Apr 6, 2024
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I'm facing an issue related to data file reading/downloading from SD card module using web app or GUI. How can I do this.
SD card module is connected with ESP32-Wroom32 and data is being stored in .txt file.
How to download that file using Local or Web network?


It´s unclear what you want to do.
Please draw a sketch.

I´m also unsure whether you ask about one single problem or multiple problems. Please focus on one problem, solve it, then focus on the next problem.

Reading/writing SD card via ESP32 is a rather common task. Many solutions exist. Just do a search.


Hi Klaus, I don't think it's much complex. I have a file in SD card interfaced with esp32. I just want to download that file via local network using any web app etc. I don't know how that app can be interlinked for my purpose.

I'm using a microcontroller (Arduino) to collect sensor data and saving it in .txt format in the interfaced SD card. I would like to access this data remotely through web (WAN).

Please advise on how to do this and what kind of setup will be needed? Please share links of similar projects or relevant libraries.

Is it easier to implement it on any controller (ESP32 / Raspberry Pi)?


I don't think it's much complex
Then why do you need us to solve? Or do you expect us to do the sketch for you ... and to do internet search for you?

I'm using a microcontroller (Arduino)
"Arduino" is no microcontroller.

Is it easier to implement it on any controller (ESP32 / Raspberry Pi)?
Yes, it´s easier to use an ESP32 ... than the module you used in post#1.
What? ESP32 easier than ESP32? What do you mean?

Easier in what matter? Hardware design? microcontroller coding? Raspberry coding?
GUI coding? Without giving information about ..platform and OS

Honest question: What do you expect us to do? We can´t give detailed answers as long as we don´t have detailed informations.


I wan talking about question complexity. Moreover, using esp32 cause of WiFi. Actually I don't have guide how to take this working. I'm facing issue in esp coding for the specified purpose. GUI is not much complex but the way of communication between controller and app/GUI is.
It might be complex on ESP32 because of external module. What if I'm using Raspberry Pi zero with sd card, so there might be easy way to communicate but I don't know how and I could not find it.

Did you find time to review the suggestion in post #3 in the meantime? FTP is the most popular protocol to provide file access on network connected devices. WAN access involves additional configuration steps in your local network, but I'm sure you'll manage it after succeeding with LAN file access.

Yes I've studied it a bit. But I think it will be more suitable for WAN communication. While for now I just have to make it doable at LAN. How should I read/download file from ESP32 interfaced SD card to local computer using web app? And I could not get a guide for this task.

But I think it will be more suitable for WAN communication.
Why, does your LAN not use IP addresses? You can setup a FTP server by reusing existing code. May be too simple.


    Points: 2
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Please define what you mean by LAN and WAN. ESP32 has WiFi, you can use it as an access point directly so you 'log in' to the actual ESP32 which acts as a web server -or- you can log the ESP32 into a wireless router to make it accessible to any device, including the internet, that the router can connect to.

I use ESP32 extensively, I can access them on my local wired network (LAN), my mobile phone or any other device anywhere in the World (WAN). I can also access and download SD card logs produced by ESP32s in a web browser. Which is it you want?


Yes, that's what I want. Actually I want to use port forwarding so I could access SD logs from another router etc. Can you please share more guidance how to take it further.

I refer you to:

To access it via WAN, I suggest you give it a fixed IP address first by binding the ESP32 MAC to some internal LAN IP address. You can see the MAC address by monitoring the serial output for the ESP32 as it boots up. Then port forward the IP address you picked to an external port number.
How it is done depends on your router model but basically:
1. bind the MAC to an IP address, for example 01:23:45:67:89:AB to, obviously using real numbers on your system.
2. port forward to say port number 34567.

You should then be able to access the ESP over the internet using your public IP address and the port you chose. For example


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