How to obtain power spectrum from EEG raw data

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Newbie level 2
Sep 18, 2007
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spectrum eeg matlab

Hi all,
I am currently doing a project dealing with brain waves acquired from EEG. My concern now is to obtain power spectrum from the raw data, e.g.: I would like to use each power spectrum of alpha wave (8-13Hz), beta wave(14-19Hz) and gamma wave(20-30Hz) as features for classification.
Attached is a portion of my raw data, consisting of 10 samples (arranged in rows) in which each row has 62 columns corresponding to the number of channels used for the DAQ. Sampling frequency is 256Hz.
Can anyone share any simple matlab codes to obtain power spectrums just for the start? Or maybe any links which I can refer to? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

power spectrum eeg

i m late, but if u need me now i can help.....
matlab eeg raw data

you have ckt for eeg or it is just data you collect from any one.

Re: spectrum eeg matlab

hey i am doing the same project and i am having the same problem . If you have the matlab code, can you please give it to me ???

Hi, is this thread still active? I've got the same problem only I have a set of EMG data (5 channels) and I was told to transform it to the power spectrum usin fft. Any help would be much appreciated

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