How to make an inverter?

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Member level 2
Jul 14, 2011
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I have a 12v 7Ah battery and i want to make an inverter for using this.
I want 50 to 100w power in output with 220v AC.

How to design this............?

Regarding the design of the inverter, assuming that you're using a 50Hz transformer to step up, the stages are:
  • PWM controller
  • Power MOSFET driver stage
  • Power MOSFET stage
  • Output regulation / feedback stage
  • Additional features - Battery low cut, overload protection, short-circuit protection, etc

As for the PWM controller, take a look at the SG3525. It has an internal MOSFET driver stage as well.

The feedback stage will also be designed around the SG3525 stage.

The additional features can be implemented using multiple comparators and related circuitry.

Hope this helps.

there are two major designes .
1)chopper transformer based
2)transformer based.
chopper transformer based invertor is low losses designe as compare to transformer designe .
but transformer based designe is simple for beginners.
sg3525, sg3524 and tl494 are famous ic which have internal oscillator and pwm controll circuites.
tl494 is only famous for chopper designe but sg3525 is for booth designes but sg3524 is only suitable
for transformer designe.
sg3525 is recomended for you.

first you shuld decide about option 1 or 2.

Whether you use a PWM or modified sine design, please bear in mind you will only get about 30 minutes of use from a fully charged new battery at 100W load.


Give me the circuit of inverter in which sg or tl494 ic is used..............

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