How to load a camera image into a Picbox in VB6.

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Newbie level 4
Sep 7, 2006
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vb6 camera


I am currently working on a project, a vision system platform, that checks the marking and orientation of ICs. What I have created so far for my program is a image comparing portion of the program. Comparing pictures in 2 PicBox. How do I load a camera image into that picbox? is it even possible? All my testing done using bit map images of the ICs, and I alter them to see how the program would behave given certain images.

Is picbox the way to go with this? if yes, then how do i load a CCD camera image into picbox to do comparison? the camera i'm using is PulNix TM-6760. I'd appreciate greatly any feedback or other suggestions on different approaches to this project.

Thanks in advance.

camera vb6

You can use ezvidc60 Activex control to capture images/video from camera.

**broken link removed**

vb ezvidc60 image

i tried the object you suggested, but apparently it does not work properly with vb6. it keeps asking me to restart vb6 everytime i run the form with that object. it has some of the property/method that i m looking for, though. only that problem.


restart vb6

that issue aside.
how do i make the form operations running in the background? extracting image, comparing image, decide whether it pass or fail, etc2, while being able to click on any button on the form while the machine is running?

camera +vb6

Well that happens automatically. Even though your application is doing something else, you still can click on any button and its event will be fired.

If its not happening...then you should use "Do Events" in the busy loop for the system to handle button clicks and other events.

vb6 cam

OK.. I have another question.

I have the forms Inspection and PassFail. In the form Inspection there is a function that scans the image, and then calls the form PassFail, prompting the user to decide whether it is a pass or a fail or already end of cycle. PassFail form displays a bit of info and asks the user to input the next move for the machine.

How do I make PassFail work like a Msgbox/Inputbox? Where it prompts the user and waits for the user to input some stuff, which is when the actual form resumes its operation.

I have a function to stop the machine, before PassFail is loaded, and then resumes machine operation, once PassFail is closed(which decides the next move for the machine, either resume, or stop cycle).

this is what I have conjured so far for that part

CheckForm = False
If Stats = False Then
Load PassFail
CheckForm = True
End If
Loop While CheckForm = True

*here CheckForm(which is "Global CheckForm as Boolean" in some module where i store all global functions and variables) will be turned to False once the user decided the next move in PassFail form

it hangs the program. i was hoping the loop to keep the form "Inspection" waiting for result, which is only available after the user input some stuff into PassFail. but it ended up hanging

any suggestion on going about this?

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