How to interface 100x100 led matrix with 89s52 to make animation?

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Sep 15, 2005
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how to interface 100x100 led matrix with 89s52 to making animations

please help with some circuit and source


led matrix ram

To drive 10000 LEDs configured as 100x100 matrix with 89S52 you need fast parallel PIAs, something like five 82C55 for rows and five 82C55 for columns ..
And that is physically possible ..
However, if you intend to use this matrix for animation I don't think the 8051-core is fast enough to support this idea ..



i wanna make slow animation with 5 Hz can i use 74hc595 or will be too slow for this . I think on this to put some MCU-s and they to comunicate via serial port to make this little faster

at89s52 ledmatrix

hi there.....

do you have already any idea on how to make animations on a 100x100 led matrix? maybe we can combine our ideas 'coz right now im having a project design and its all about making animations on a 90x28 led matrix display.... only, we are using a pic16f877.... \Are youre animation fixed or interfaced on a PC?


how to make led matrix

mus be fixed, i work with at89s52 i think to make some MCU with rs232 connection and one host controller to control the other MCU-s, and in the end to put some 74hc595 but i am worry for the speed ot work i must use Xtal 11.0592Mhz to make good connection or the bigest one ....

how do the led matrix configured?

If I may suggest, IMHO the most efficient way to control such a huge matrix would be to use an FPGA device with some soft IP like NIOS II or MicroBlaze to perform graphics manipulation.
It might load images into its embedded RAM ( or even external DRAM ) and a separate display controller unit ( in the same FPGA chip of course ) would periodically refresh your display.
FPGAs have hundreds of IOs so no external registers would be required.
Of course those IOs would be buffered with power transistors ( Logic level N-Mos for instance ).
FPGAs are powerful enough to give you power to manipulate your graphics at full speed.
PIC16xxx or 8052 are rather bad choice for such applications because of their lousy performance.

If however you're determined to use those nano-processors, consider building an autonomous display refresh unit with some CPLD and RAM to free up your graphics crunching engine from refreshing your dissplay, which may be very time consuming in this case.

Regards, yego

matriz led lpt

syrax said:
i wanna make slow animation with 5 Hz can i use 74hc595 or will be too slow for this . I think on this to put some MCU-s and they to comunicate via serial port to make this little faster

I think you are talking of two different things here.

1 - To light the LED matrix at all in a way it will look stable you need to update it at least 50 times/second, preferably a bit faster. This means scanning 10000 LEDs 50 times or address 500,000 LEDs each second. This, just to see a stable picture.

2 - To animate this you'll need to CHANGE the display contents a number of times each second, but the number of LEDs scanned does not change by this, only the pattern you put out. For each frame(picture) you put out you need 1250 bytes to represent 10000 LEDs as a minimum.

The main job is to make light in the matrix at all. The animation is a minor problem after that.
If you use hardware in a direct way, you'll need to put out 100 bit each 200us to scan with 50Hz. I would think the only way to do this is to use a memory mapped parallel system, maybe with a double set of registers to make instant transfer of data. Load1 - switch - load2 - switch - load1 ... and so on. It should be possible to do this with a relative fast micro.
If you use preloaded data for the different frames you should manage a slow animation too, with 'cycle stealing' for loading the next frame.

To do this you'll need very effective code, so forget Basic.


matrix led dram

for stable picture is enough 25-30 Hz, second think i will separate the picture to segments, and each segment will have controller /to reduce the size of memory, and speed/, and last think i spoke with my friend and he give me idea to make from host controller to "child" controller 2 lines
1.the pulse to change frames
2. line who tell to target when the animation start

and then i think the whole system will work stable i think to finish this project may be 02.2007 - 03.2007 )) i will post the pictures

thanks for helping

regards from BULGARIA

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