How to install Linux from Ubuntu free cds

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Junior Member level 3
Nov 14, 2006
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How to install linux

Hi Guys,

I just got ubuntu free cds and i am new to linux. Please guide me how to install in steps.

Thanks in advance

How to install linux

I'm sure you can find tutorials about installation if you search a bit in google

How to install linux

**broken link removed**

Installing Ubuntu is very easy. Like a Windows... Next, next, ok, next etc.

How to install linux

Ok first I'd advise not to use ubuntu unless U have broadband access beacose it's a minimalistic linux.
Second backup all your important data!
Depending on the type of cd u got live or regular there are a few ways to install:
1. go to your bios and set your first boot devece to the cd rom.
2. Boot from the cd;
2. a) If U have the live cd on your desktop shuld be an icon to install to HDD, click it and follow instructions.
2. b) if U have the regular cd boot from it and follow instructions If U don't understand something ask someone or U could unwillingly destroy all the data on your HDD.

Now don't get me wrong I love Linux and it's easy to use but if U are a begginer better ask someone for help or get sufficient information bifore beginning or U'll probably end up hating linux.

Re: How to install linux

First try to run Linux using CD or DVD based system which does not install Linux in your PC. After you play it for a while, install it on your hard disk.

Re: How to install linux

get the source cd's from internet and select file system as ext3fs. and allocate double of the ram for /swap and 100 mb for /boot and remaining space for /root

if u feel not user friendly means double os also installed in your pc and learn side by side..

there are three options for you.
One you can try the ubuntu live cd using the BIOS.
Two , to install ubuntu inside linux find file called wubi.exe inside and select option called install inside windows. Then Ubuntu runs like any other program in windows without the need for a separate partition.
Three, create a separate partition for Ubuntu and install Ubuntu for a dual boot.
Obviously there is an option for having a clean installation of Ubuntu erasing the disk.

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