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How to export photo plotter and nc drill with mm or mil in pads2005?

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Full Member level 5
Aug 6, 2005
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Hi all,
I want to export photo plotter and nc drill with mm or mil unit in PADS2005,for the default setting is inch.I attached the photo,Any friend can tell me how to set the parameters? i have tried many times to generate gerber and NC drill files,but when i imported them to another EDA software,i found NC drill's location is not correct.Thanks.


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Although i'm not using PADS, the problem lies within the output format.

When generating gerber or drill files you have to set the output format to something like 3,3 or 3,5, english or metric.

When reading in the generated files in a gerber viewer you have to be sure that the settings of this viewer complie with the settings of the generated files. So check the input settings of your viewer when importing the gerber files and the drill files.
I agree, that a viewer or other PCB tool importing gerber data should be able to import any possible format. Gerber data are either imperial or metric. Inch or mils within metric format is just a matter of the format options, you can either have different number of fractional digits in integer format or decimal. Viewers are able to guess many format options correctly, but sometimes they need some hints. For drill data, also the format of embedded tools tables may need a specification.

Of course, you can set most format options of your choice in the PCB tool's post processor. I presume, this also applies to Pads.

Another problem may arise with tools, that don't use consistent referwnce positions for drill and gerber data, or more exactly, don't use them without user action.
Quite often it can be a format problem, different set ups between the gerbers and the excellon, usually leading and trailing zeros.
What I also find with most CAM packages, they can read in Gerbers automaticly with no problem, but often struggle with excellon, so you have to load the drill data manually and check the input parameters (i.e. metric, zero suppression etc).
This and the fact Gerber/Excellon is dated and a pain to generate is why I have used ODB++ for years.
Any tool that i can convert the unit?Because inch is too large resolution for PCB,that it is not convenient,and it is not accurate for mesh.

I don't understand, what's your exact problem. Pads should be able to export any format of your choice and other tools are able to import all formats. The only problem is, that a specification may be needed on import. For PCB production data, it's a good praxis to specify the data formats in a description file. But honestly, I never experienced a PCB manufacturer not being able to guess the formats without a specification.

It's possible to export gerber and drill files from a gerber tool with different formats, if required. I'm using GC-Prevue plus (GC 2000) for this purpose, I think, there are also free tools performing the same.
Thanks for FvM's reply.My problem is when i select the default setting(inch) and import to ADS(support 1e-6 resolution--min).I will indicate the low resolution,and affect the result.When i generate gerber and drill by mm unit in pads,usually get incorrect result in ADS.I do not know how to set by mm unit i pads so that i can get correct result.The above attached is the settting form.Anyone kindly guide me how to set?

The shown setup dialog only affects photo plot (gerber) not drill data. It can be set to inch (english) or mm (metric) and trailing digits (resolution) of your choice. A similar setting should exist for drill data.
Sure!It is photo plot.The drill is similar.when i set plotting size:X: Y:.If i set it mm,ADS can not import(but mm is disable)

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