how to determine the matrix of the field in cst

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Newbie level 6
Sep 29, 2010
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can you help me solve this problem in CST
I seek to determine the matrix of the normal electric field Ez (specifying the interval in both directions x and y with the spacing between points) in a plane parallel to my structure but I can not do it in CST

right click on "Field Monitors" in the project tree, select "New field monitor", and then E field. specify the frequency you are interested in. Run the simulation. Select "e-field (f=2.4) [1]" from "2D/3D Results"->"E-Field" in the project tree. Go to "File"->"Export"->"Plot Data (ASCII)". Choose a file name. Set the step width or the number of steps. Done!

thank you for your help

I need to determine the values ​​of the field on a definite plan, the solution you gave me does not specify the limits of the plan (for example, Xmin, Xmax Ymin and Ymax with Z fixed)

You only need to filter the resulting matrix, which can be easily done with whatever software you use to draw the vectors, e.g. with Matlab.

Hello mamali,
I have a question on the scalar plot of a special filed components, such as Ez in a plane. When i tried to plot the exported .txt data, i was confused because each data for a point contained real and image part, such as real(Ez) and im(Ez). How can i obtained the scalar plot as what in the 2D/3D field plots in MWS, and how to decide the phase of the eigenmode? Thanks in advance!
You only need to filter the resulting matrix, which can be easily done with whatever software you use to draw the vectors, e.g. with Matlab.

you just need to compute the magnitude and phase using the complex data:
if real(Ez)=X, and im(Ez)=Y and Ez = X + iY
|Ez| = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2)
and <Ez=arctan(Y/X)
you can ue MATLAB or excel to calculate them easily.

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