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[SOLVED] How to define intrinsic layer concentration in SILVACO?

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Mar 21, 2007
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Intrinsic layer concentration type in SILVACO?

I am writing a code for P-I-N based solar cell and there I am stuck with the intrinsic layer concentration type. Basically, when defining structure specification in SILVACO, you have had to specify the doping concentration type and its concentration. But in this case, it is intrinsic region and undoped. What should I write in the code? Should I not write n.type or p.type?

If the doping level is very small (say less than 1e14 cm-3), then it does not really matter whether it's n-type or p-type doped.

However, in reality, even in nominally "undoped" semiconductor there is some "background" or "residual" doping concentration that may be on the scale of 1e14-1e15 cm-3.

For TCAD simulation purposes, you can define either n- or p-type, and a very low concentration (like 1e10 cm-3).
Thanks cherishlzd

I have a data for a material including its n(refractive index) and k(extinction coefficient) values in a text file which i renamed it to .nk extension.I need SILVACO to pick those nk values while it is simulating. But when i try to copy that file into the sopra directory of SILVACO it says that "You are not permitted to copy". Any idea how to add "nk" sopra file into the sopra directory in SILVACO?

I am sorry, I have not used the method. so I may not give you helpfule advice. I think you can refer to the user muannul of SILVACO TCAD.

Dear winsomeharis
you may be able to answer my question, Can you plz help me?
when SILVACO pick a file of nk type, for example k type
for example we expect alfa=1e5(cm-1) for landa=0.28micron
but when we tonyplot that .k file versus wavelenght we will see that the values are devided by 2 totally in all wavelenghts.for example alfa=0.5e5 in that wavelenght
Have you ever had such a problem?
Or this has happened just for me?
will you please test it?
thank you

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