How to create a simple light dimmer using pic16f84 but without using capacitor?

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Newbie level 6
Dec 9, 2006
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Hi there... could somebody help me solve my problem...
I'm onto PIC programming and i wanna create a simple light dimmer using pic16f84... how is this done without using capacitor... just merely by the program... can this be done by PWM?..
Can i Have simple sample code of this?

Thank you....

Re: Light dimmer....

you want ac dimmer ?
or led dimmer ?

Re: Light dimmer....

Hi there... thanks for the reply....

What do you mean by AC dimmer?
i dont understand it.... my problem is,
i want to light a LED with an increasing luminosity then slowly dimming.... using pic16f877.

Re: Light dimmer....

thank you very much.... i appreciate it.....
i'll try to have a nap to it....

Re: Light dimmer....

yllongboy said:
What do you mean by AC dimmer?
You can dim a filament light bulb that's powered from the wall 110V (or 220V) 60Hz AC. The effect is similar to dimming the LED, but circuitry (as far as I understand, please correct me if I'm wrong) is more complex. By the way, I was told that fluorescent/incandescent lights powered from 60Hz AC can't be dimmed.

Re: Light dimmer....


You might want to look at this dimmer

good luck

Re: Light dimmer....

You can dim a filament light bulb that's powered from the wall 110V (or 220V) 60Hz AC. The effect is similar to dimming the LED, but circuitry (as far as I understand, please correct me if I'm wrong) is more complex.
"AC dimmer" = AC phase Control, take a look at Light dimmer circuits

By the way, I was told that fluorescent/incandescent lights powered from 60Hz AC can't be dimmed.
Not true. googling with dimmer flourescent, there are thousands of topics...

Re: Light dimmer....

you will find ac dimmer in any power electonics book.
there is also direct dimmer chip is available for digital control.

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