how to convert 5v power supply to 3.3 v?

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Newbie level 5
Apr 8, 2004
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voltage divider 5v 3.3v power

Is there a simple circuit to convert 5v to 3.3v?
can anyone help?

voltage dividers 110 to 5v

The simplest one will be using a voltage divider

T Zul

For low currents an analog regulator will work as well as the resistive divider described above. For high currents a switcher is the most efficient.

If your question is about modifying an existing supply internally, you need to generate or look at the schematic. There will usually be a switching supply controller IC. The data sheet for the part will describe how to select the external component values for the 3.3 V you need and for stability under load current transients.

use LT1117-3.3

5V to 3.3V circuit

Use LM3940IT-3.3

There are standard linear regulators like LM3840. You may have to choose between linear or switching regultors. Be aware of u'r final application.

the best way to use voltage regulator either fixed 3.3V one or use LM317 and adjust the resistors.

Thanks to all!!
Regulator is suitable to my circuits.

by the way, how will the linear or switching regultors affect the result?

If u r using purely analog/sensitive circuits, the frequency of switching becomes critical as it may pick up, in sch cases you have to use a linear regulator. The disadvantage is power consumed will be higher. For digital circuits you can use a switching regulator.


Efficiency is an important factor as well.

I've built a step down converter for using AMD K6-2 processor
in an old fashioned HP Vectra PC some years ago. I was built it from scratch,
the regulator was an SG3526 with some external parts and a power MOS FET as a switch.
One thing to take care: for higher currents the voltage drop can be high on the drain-source resistance (Rds on)
and its not going to work. (Yes, it was not obvious for me )


Use TL571. Some call it super-zener. This is very flexible ic. Look at the data-sheet.

Sorry, The information above is wrong. The IC name is not TL571. It is TL431 or TL432A

sorry if it in Chip(ic design), what can i to do?

If that is the case a small PWM controller shall be built-in inside the chip and need external moseft and LC circuit.

You can refer to the commerical chip for reference.
if the needed current is small a level shifing circuit might also work for you.

hhun said:
sorry if it in Chip(ic design), what can i to do?

Internal regulator is a good choice provided that current requirement is not too large.

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