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how to convert 0V--12V DC signals to TTL?

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Jan 9, 2002
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ttl to 12v

Is there a chip having the function? please inform me,thanks a lot.

convert -12volt to +12v

With resistor division? You could also use an opamp circuit that has a gain below 1. Any requirements on the loading of the 12 V signals?


The are at least 4 stupid but effective ways, without special chips:

1. divider network with 2 resistors
2. resistor + 5V1 Zener
3. NPN inversor w. C pull-up to 5V, + maybe another inversor
4. Optocoupler

Is this what you want or are you looking for something more sophisticated? :oops:

Use MAX232 chip.


use LM393 to configure a voltage comparator.
the output of LM393 is pulled up to +5v by a resistor.

Use cmos 4050, Hex noninverting buffer & TTL driver!

Do not use resistor divider

I dont prefer voltage divider with resistors.Because there will be always a current even if your TTL dont use 5V.Thus if you use a battery the life of battery will be short!

use 4504 cmos ic

Any electronic book of basic electronics has all the ways VoidMain is suggesting! What is more you can build protection circuits only by reading some chapters ahead! Try Sedra /Smith Microelectronics Circuits, or any spice library. That is if you want to build something for educational reasons- which I thing you shoyld- before using any IC! Good luck!

dkace said:
Any electronic book of basic electronics has all the ways VoidMain is suggesting! What is more you can build protection circuits only by reading some chapters ahead! Try Sedra /Smith Microelectronics Circuits, or any spice library. That is if you want to build something for educational reasons- which I thing you shoyld- before using any IC! Good luck!

True, but reuse and modularization is OK, sometimes.

No problem with modularization klugkopf but I thought that he wants this transaction from 12V to TTL just for educational reasons.Otherwise there would have been a more specific request on the matter! Modularization - if I understand well your meaning - is for people well understanding electronics and seeking fast solutions to their circuits!


I totally agree.

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