How to clear EEPROM in PIC18F26K20 with Pickit3?

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Hello ,
Some of our PCBs work and some don’t. It is an offline LED driver and with a PIC18F26K20.
I think the non-working boards have EEPROM values which stop them working.
How do we clear EEPROM in a microcontroller using Pickit3?

Does your code read the EEPROM? If not then what is in the EEPROM should not matter. If it does then normal defensive programming should be used for invalid values.
I don't have it in front of me now but I remember that there is an option in MPLABx to tell the PicKit3 (and liker etc.) whether or not to erase the EEPROM.

Hello ,
Some of our PCBs work and some don’t. It is an offline LED driver and with a PIC18F26K20.
I think the non-working boards have EEPROM values which stop them working.
How do we clear EEPROM in a microcontroller using Pickit3?
How on earth did you come to the conclusion that values in your EEROM "stop them from working"? What values would that be? Why would they stop your PCBs from working? Rather than arbitrarily erasing your EEROM, maybe you should figure out WHY certain values would make your board fail. And WHY you got those bad values.

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