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how to build Measure voltage circuit, can help me to do it

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
May 15, 2011
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hi, how are you all
thank you for all admin in this forum, and i am happy to registery here
and i want somebody help me to build the circuit he work to measure the
voltage and connect to microcontroller
and i want programmer the microcontroller by use mikroC
please some body help me

first you need adc for this can apply voltage throw a bridge rectifier & two 1mΩ resiters (for220v or above) in adc & then check binary output of adc whith microcontroler.

hi dharampal,
how are you
thank you to saw my question,
but you told me , i need adc
what is mean adc
and can you explain it
and how i build it
and if you have the circuit design

ADC is Analog-to-Digital Converter.
You can buy it in a expecific IC or, if you're going to use microcontroller they already have a ADC peripheral.

If you'll use this to AC you should not apply the voltage signal in the ADC, you must first filter out unwanted frequencies (noise) and you'll have to use a rectifier to cut the negative side of the signal or add some offset.

I hope this has helped you in some way.

i want for Dc not AC
i want know how to measure the voltage in battery

i want for Dc not AC
i want know how to measure the voltage in battery

DC Battery Voltage -> ADC -> MCU

I think that you can use a similar diagram like this one I showed above. I have no more details about your project, so its hard to specify more things like you'll probably need a voltage attenuator and you can use a MCU that has ADC inbuilt.

Search for ADC, will answer your main questions.

I hope you took something useful.

as thannara123 suggested, use the pic microcontroller it has a built in ADC or try this one. This will do the work of a 3.5 digit voltmeter.
**broken link removed** if you want to interface it to a microcontroller, instead of the output to 7 segment displays, connect it to microcontroller and sample it at regular intervals of time.

though, best of all -

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