How to build Digital Thermometer using ATmegsa8 and LM335?

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digital thermometer using lm335

Hello To All
How does we measure -20~70C Tempreature with lm35 temperature sensor. I am using atml avr atmega8 mcu with adc0. I also need bascome AVR "source code".
Thanks in advance.
I am waiting for kind response.
I also want to make a humidity controler in which I wish to measure "relative humidity Level"& "Temperature" to controle a chiller.

Re: Digital Thermometer

I also plan ...
I will create a digital thermometer with a (-) Measuring limits. probably around -20.
I've got atmega8535, lm335, and ds18s20.
Can someone help me? Thanx,.

Added after 6 minutes:

because LM35 less accurate at temperatures below 0 degrees celcius

Digital Thermometer

I also plan ...

I just don't understand this. you are planning to do something that you clearly have no clue about.

that doesn't sound very rationale, does it?

why don't you guys start to plan on things you do know something about? that way, you can actually make some progress.

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