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how reduce effect on pattern caused by edge-fed

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in microstrip antenna design, if microstrip line edge-fed is applied, the pattern will be largely affected by the feedline. how to reduce this effect or which type microstrip antenna has the characteristics of low effect by feedline?

This is really a problem. Some book suggest to go for EM coupled microstrip antenna with the bottom layer substrate of high permittivity on which the feed line is placed. Another way which is also very similar is aperture coupled configuration.

I have simulated (IE3D) both the method and achieved a good radiation pattern but for both the cases efficiency is lower than that of a simple microstrup antenna. In case of aperture coupled efficiency is really very poor.

:?: :idea: :!:

Football said:
in microstrip antenna design, if microstrip line edge-fed is applied, the pattern will be largely affected by the feedline. how to reduce this effect or which type microstrip antenna has the characteristics of low effect by feedline?

i think CPW fed microstrip antenna is another example to reduce the radiation effect of microstrip line.

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