how electronic components etc. are made

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Full Member level 5
Apr 18, 2011
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How are electronic components formed? Let me explain myself what I want to know. Let me start with a particular example. Please have a look on this schematic of op-amp. Before we make a certain component we have a rough idea what we need that component to do. But the journey from conception of an idea to realization of that idea is a real task. Going back to that schematic; Before we create a chip of a op-amp, we would have a rough idea what we want to do it. But how the heck one would know that combining transistors, resistors, and capacitors in such a weird way would give us the chip/component which would do what we wanted it to.

In case of invention of diode it would be have been little simple. Perhaps, someone though that what would happen if one uses elements which are neither metals nor purely non-metals. Then, someone played around a little bit with those elements and keep on improving what one had made. My question is not particularly about amplifiers etc. rather about all those complexly designed components. I hope you understand it.

Is it a trial and error method? There are many medicines which were not actually invented for the function they are now known for. Some of the examples I can think of offhand are: Minoxidil and ******. Some are completely accidental discoveries. The discovery of Penicillin was a quirk of nature.

When we make a 100-storey building, we know what to do. Use reinforced-concrete, steel, broad base, etc. Even before the invention of concrete, steel, etc. people knew how to make simple houses.

Serendipity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


PS: I'm pretty much sure that I posted the same thread some minutes ago and it did appear under my subscribed threads. But after some time it simply disappeared. I don't know if some moderator did it. If you find something wrong with it and delete it, then please do let me know. Thank you.

Please keep your replies simple so you can be understood.

How are electronic components formed?
Smart people had good ideas and worked hard to conquer the complexities.

Dear friend
If you start a designing ,( for example for first turn) you cant design a good circuit. but with time blow over , you can going professional . in first step you should learn theory of some famous circuits for example : differential amplifiers and current sources( for example current mirror ) thus you will can design a simple op amp! as simple as!!!!!

creating transistor on SILICON base would involve such and such procedure

creating transistor on ORGANIC COMPOUND would need sugar, 1/2 kg of flour, baking powder etc :roll:

Dear XT.5155
What is your mean? is your mean , that we can build a transistor with sugar????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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