How do we connect different IPs (Master Slave) with SoC arbiter using AHB BUS?

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Apr 24, 2006
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How do we connect different IPs (Master Slave) with arbiter using AHB BUS?
Do we need to connect control signal of all IPs with arbiter.
And how we can program arbiter
Kindly give complete architecture thanks.

Re: SoC arbiter ?

Bus ownership is determined using the request/grant algorithm defined in the AHB specification. The Arbiter checks AHB signals HBUSREQ, HLOCK, HTRANS, HBURST and HREADY and generates HGRANT for both master devices according to a rotating priority algorithm. This algorithm ensures that both devices have a chance to regularly access the AHB bus.

Re: SoC arbiter ?

Thanks and how can we program AHB arbiter do you have any application manual or example

Re: SoC arbiter ?

The AHB specification defines how the grant/request arbitration protocol works, but it's up to you to decide how the arbiter actually decides which master to grant at any particular time.

The common methods used are round-robin arbitration (give each master the bus for a certain number of cycles) or priority based (give the bus to the highest priority bus master that is currently requesting it).

It's usual to try to avoid changing grant in the middle of a burst, as this is usually wasteful of bandwidth, but due to the timing of the address/control signals in AHB you can't always guarantee that this won't happen.

You might also want to consider using a multi-layer AHB-lite system where you don't use a central arbiter at all. That is a more usual approach these days.

There are some simple learning materials on our website about AHB arbitration

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I should probably add a page describing arbiter design in more detail.

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