How do I use expension connectors and boards of FPGA

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Barun Bikash Paul

Newbie level 1
Dec 23, 2004
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1. How do I use expension connectors and boards of FPGA Spartan-3 Starter

Barun Bikash Paul

You can use them in any way you want. You can connect a few LEDs to it and switch them on and off, you can connect an external flash memory to it and learn how to program the flash, you can connect PC parallell port to it and hearn how to program the PC parallell port.

Depends highly what you are looking for!

If you have a few power MOSFet, you can connect it to the Stepper motor(s) and make a small robot!

Just a few ideas.


sorry for posting in old topic but i hav question to ask on the expansion slots,,,

the board of mine come wth expansion connectors wth holes (many holes) only.....

which socket or header (which type) i should use to solder it on the holes so tht i can connect wire to it... which one is better...

any suggestion??....

thank you


Aren't the holes of your board arranged in a rectangular grid ? If so it is probably a prototyping area where you can arrange some extra circuitry for your design. Somewhere in your manual there should be a schematic diagram of the connections between that area and your FPGA chip.

thanks yego for response...

i think u misunderstand wad i meant.... can u see the holes in the pic....

my question is which header/socket/port to use to solder to the holes is better?...

so tht after i hav created the port,, i can connect the wire to the ports tht are connected to the holes,,, this will b flexible ... when i wanna change configuration... i can change the wire connection to the port....

i dunno wad it should b call anyway,,, port/header/adapter???


my regards,

you can solder single pin headers (the ones that look like combs) and then connect anything with it

by the way, i was planning about buying this kit. how is it?

samcheetah said:
you can solder single pin headers (the ones that look like combs) and then connect anything with it

by the way, i was planning about buying this kit. how is it?

hi... wad i hav is all the UP1 and UP2.... i nvr hav spartan kit .....

but trust me... altera products are amazing.... not to mention the design software... it is so powerful and very nice GUI.... i nvr like any egineering design software like altera quartus2 and max-plus2....

just buy it if u can afford... nvr regret,,,

my regards,

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