How can we discharge the fully charged cell phone battery ?

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Full Member level 5
Sep 2, 2011
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How can we discharge the fully charged cell phone battery ?


Ain't there any simplest method apart from it as i mentioned above ? Does that above mentioned procedure work or not ?

May be you can short the positive / negative terminals. The battery discharges for sure, at a cost though But make sure you dont short it for long as there is will be enormous heat generated and could explode as well !

May be you can short the positive / negative terminals.
The discussion seems to turn from curiosity to dangerous ignorance.

Just to be sure, you are asking about Li-Ion batteries, as used in all recent cell phones?

They must never be shorted. And there's no reasonable purpose of discharging it artificially, except or testing (and reducing) it's life expectation.

In a serious capacity test, you'll use a constant current load with automatic switch-off at minimal permitted discharge voltage.

May be you can short the positive / negative terminals. The battery discharges for sure, at a cost though But make sure you dont short it for long as there is will be enormous heat generated and could explode as well !

you may result in shorting your life as well this is one of the most unreliable and potentially lethal form of doing it

try not to blow yourself

as peter states there are special battery discharging kits available in the market they are affordable and safe

try them if you are keen on discharging a battery so much
Reactions: tpetar


    Points: 2
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You should use special discharging kits to discharge Li Batteries

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