how can make a ceit pcb Milling Machine

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This is a topic I've been interested for many years but never taken the plunge.

I'm sure you have seen **broken link removed**

and the Arduino CNC control softwre

This is the one I liked but there are many more.

Hope the first link above provides some useful info and leads. Keep us all posted in what you find!

sir it dosen't saying how to make i want the mechanical diagram to preprae it so can you please say how can i make it

Correct, but as you didn't post any info other than the picture, I thought it might help on your searches.

I'm not convinced they published it (might be worth contacting CEIT), but there is a private area at **broken link removed** which possibly has the details?

Please post the design should you get the details.

it resritced area i can't access it
can you please say anothor pcb milling machine instruction

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