[SOLVED] How can i convert Decimal to Dual-BCD.

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Micro Lover

Member level 2
Jul 22, 2009
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i m using Keil, and C language
the problem is that, i have one decimal number, like 27, that will be 11011 in binary, but if i split the 27 then it will be "2" and "7" , in binary, "10" and "111", i want to convert it to "00100111", the first four bits(right site) for 7 and other 4 for 2.

how can i convert it?

If you can split the 27 to 2 and 7 then you can simply do

bcd= (0b10<<4) | 0b0111

very sorry Alex, i cant understand, i have a value 2 and 7, (splited) but how can i Out it to the port

Data -> 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
pin 7-> | | | | | | | | Pin 0
======== Port Pins ==============

I don't know the port name of your mcu but suppose it is PORTA like in AVR

PORTA=(0x2<<4) | 0x7;

0x2 is 0b00000010
0x2<<4 shifted four times to the left so the result is 0b00100000
then 0b00100000 | 0b00000111 gives 0b00100111

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The principle of the conversion from binary to BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) you can grasp from my commented example (in C) shown below:
it's conversion of a binary unsigned integer (in the example the binary value must be less than 10000!) to the corresponding 'condensed' BCD.

/* Conversion of "unsigned int" (BIN) to condensed BCD, range 0 to 9999 only! */

unsigned int Bin2BCD(unsigned int bin) // bin < 10000!
unsigned int bcd;
unsigned char aux;

aux = bin / 1000;
bin -= aux * 1000;
bcd = aux << 4;

aux = bin / 100;
bin -= aux * 100;
bcd |= aux;
bcd <<= 8;

aux = bin / 10;
bin -= aux * 10;
aux = (aux << 4) | bin;
bcd |= aux;

// condensed BCD word (in the end it contains the result)
// auxiliary variable

// number of 'thousands'
// remainder = input value "without 'thousands'"
// shifts 'thousands' in the upper nibble of lower byte

// number of 'hundreds'
// remainder = input value "without 'thousands' + 'hundreds'"
// 'hundreds' "joined" with 'thousands' (lower nibble of lower byte)
// shifts 'thousands' and 'hundreds' in the upper byte

// number of 'tens'
// remainder = 'units'
// 'tens' in the upper nibble, 'units' in the lower one
// 'thousands', 'hundreds', 'tens' and 'units' joined together

// output of the result


For 1 byte (unsigned char) the solution is appropriately easier, of course.


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