Holton 200 and Elmuz by Robson132

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Full Member level 4
Nov 30, 2009
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Amplifier with burned power amps i got from my friend. Someone had tried to repair it, but it seems to he had soldering iron first time in his hands, so elements were garbage worth. I decided to put there two holtons 200. I should repair it by minimum costs.
Transformer after had rectified and filter gives about 68V so very high, holton200 as you know has maximum voltage about 65V so amplifier works at the edge. Because of that you shouldn't plug 4ohms load. Luckily voltage decreasing much, amplifier at this power should reach about 2x160rms 8 ohms - even too much for house.
Transistors are connected to the board by fat coppery wire - i didn't have other options because transformer takes so much space. Power endings are completely made by myself. Most important thing is taht amplifier plays, without any noises, sound is clear. It should powered alton80 columns. So far it works without any safety system, but i'm going to make some against DC at output, and thermal ( instead fuses at power rails there are jumpers made from resistors legs - it's because I've lost somewhere fuses, I will replaced if I find them.
Original text comes from https://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic1455430.html

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