Hlp Plz!I can't set environment var of IC5141,Thanks!

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Newbie level 5
Sep 13, 2006
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localhost daemon server configure ic5141 license

IC5141 can run,but have some questions,error message:incorrect binary ***h.error ,I have update to USR3 in RHEL AS4,I set the environmeng var as below:
15) In your terminal go to /tools/cds5 add type
ln -s tools.lnx86 tools (observe that new link folder has been created in /tools/cds5 called

/tools and by now you should have other installed folders such as tools.lnx86 in /tools/cds5

otherwise the installation place wasn't correct)
16) Copy the license.dat to /usr/local/flexlm/license
If this directory does not exit create it and install it in this directory.
17) Rename the license file to license.dat
18)Change the license header from
#SERVER server ANY 5280
#DAEMON cdslmd …
SERVER localhost.localdomain ANY 5280
DAEMON cdslmd /tools/tools.lnx86/bin/cdslmd
Make sure your remove #
19) Logout to a local user not root
20) Open terminal and type csh
21) Set the environment as following in order not to type them again and again each time

create a file a type all the commands there and then you will only copy them to the

22) Set al the environment as follow:
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/dfII/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/plot/bin
setenv CDSDIR /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_ROOT /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_INST_DIR /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_INSTALL_DIR /tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/dfII
setenv CDS_LIC_FILE 5280(at)localhost.localdomain
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog
/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/bin/lmgrd -c license.dat
23)In order to test if the license is running you can type the following but this is not

lmstat -a -c license.dat
24)Now in order to start type
icms - IC Mixed Signal
icfb - IC front to back
But everything you do must be in the same terminal you wrote the environment and run the

license and type icms or icfb.
Up until now make sure the IC5 runs in RedHad 7.3
25) Install RedHad 9.0 and do upgrade to RedHad 7.3 not new installation.
26) After the installation log in as root, change the display to your best resolution make

sure that on color you chose either 256 or millions but not thousand colors otherwise it

wouldn't work.
27) Restart your system with the new display and now log in as normal user.
28)Type again step 20, 21, 22, 23 24

But i want IC5141 to autorun when I input "csh" and "icfb",wnhen i input those vars into .cshrc ,the error message said:too mang arguements,
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/dfII/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/plot/bin
setenv CDSDIR /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_ROOT /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_INST_DIR /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_INSTALL_DIR /tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/dfII
setenv CDS_LIC_FILE 5280(at)localhost.localdomain
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog

who can tell me what i should do?Thanks!!

Must will set the variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1!
Is it set?

high try to use
set path=($PATH xxxxxxxx)
where xxxx is "/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/bin" without the quotes , do this for all the paths then try sourcing the .cshrc , i think it should work

it can't run because the wrong license

Yes, Call Cadence for correct license

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