High dynamic of the mic / preamp output in a noise level meter

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Junior Member level 3
Apr 18, 2005
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I´m designing a noise level meter.
I use an electret mic an preamplifier and a LM3915 to drive 3 LEDs (green, yellow, red, like a traffic light).
For the first time everything is working so-so.

My problem is the high dynamic of the mic / preamp output. The Leds flicker. I want to have solid on or off states of the 3 Leds. It means: The noise is increasing-> green Led turns off and yellow Led turn on. No it is: green Led flickers / turns off for a very short time amd yellow Led turns on / flickers.

What can I do? It hougth about an rectifier or integrator?

regards mic

Noise Level Meter

Just put rectifier at the output of your amp and comparators with hysteresis

Re: Noise Level Meter


I tried rectifier allone but without sucess.
The LM3915 has intern comperators.

You mean instead LM3915 to use several comperators?
Which you can recommend?

Noise Level Meter

you are right, there are comparators inside
then just put any large capacitor at the output of rectifier.
can you post your schematic here ?

Re: Noise Level Meter


here is the schematic:

Noise Level Meter

pin 2 of R8 shouldn't be on the ground
you don't have any rectifier. put the simpliest one - series diode, R and C to the ground
sure you don't want any gain on IC1 ? may be you just switched R5, R6

Re: Noise Level Meter

Hello, and thanks for helping.

Pin2 of R8 isn´t connected to ground. I only made this misstake in the schematic. In this schem I have no rectifier because it is the design I use as first like described at the first threat.
sure you don't want any gain on IC1 ? may be you just switched R5, R6

I don´t really understand this? Why won´t I have any gain? The gain of ompamp is defined through the proportion of the voltage divider of R5 and R6.

regards Tim

Re: Noise Level Meter


as you can see in the schematic I used a capacitor an resistor in series parallel to the mic preamp to delay the leds. Now I have to find out the rigth values for cap and resistor so that the leds will be updated in the desired time.

Basicly can I switch a cap an resisitor at the output of the preamp like i have it done?

Now the problem is that the amplification of the preamp is reduced. This is not what I really want...
Some hints on this?

So then

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