[SOLVED] help with MC34063A powersupply

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Hi all,
just wanted to update and say that I found the actual problem and came up with the solution and tested it and it works fine.

The real test in the real world should show if this fix is viable or not, but having found the issue I think it is a permanent fix.

As mentioned, some of these units are used as far as India and are deployed in many very warm countries on the African continent.

It's summer in some of those countries, so temperatures are at their peak there, and this will be the real field test.

After contacting many boards with this issue, and getting many ideas on what to do to amend the circuit, it was finally basic procedural elimination which revealed the main culprit behind the problem.

After so many years it was fun to get back to basic electronics.

Though times (and the sizes: God are these SMD parts tiny!) have changed, it was interesting to see that most people still cared genuinly.

My warm thanks to those of you who actually tried to help out for this good cause.

I might come back (roughly in a year) and could update you if it is of any interest.

Though I have repaired these units, I have hardly the access to actually use the interent through these.

Don't you hate when you give someone your time and they walk away without providing some feedback as to what they found to be the problem.


Would you mind posting the solution here?


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