Help with general component identification please

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Newbie level 2
Apr 5, 2015
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First time posting on the forum and I've done some reading so far but not nearly enough. I hope this question can be easily answered. I've started tinkering with some small PCBs from tablets and phones and have some decent reflow and soldering equipment to play with. I think I'm ready to start doing some very basic repairs and honing my skills. My problem is, though I've found the websites like mouser and digi-key to order some components, I'm having a very hard time identifying exact replacements. Is there a place I can go to find, say, what micro usb connector is found in a Galaxy S3, or what power jack is found on a coby tablet? Barring that kind of resource is there a guide someone could point me to that has a list of characteristics that will help me do some identifying on my own? Thanks for any help you can provide. I know its a very basic question but the information out there is daunting to sift through.

in order for anyone to be able to help you, you need to post a picture of the part you want to find a replacement or to identify..

Thanks for the reply! I guess I was hoping to avoid having to ask for each individual component to be identified and learn more about how to recognize different characteristics myself, beyond the obvious like General port type, number of pins, orientation etc. Maybe it's just something I have to pick up as I go.

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