help needed to design a class F power amplifier for LINC TX

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Newbie level 1
Oct 21, 2007
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Hello to all,
I am very new to RF designing and I am a student... I am designing a class F PA for LINC TX(outphasing transmitter), I am using cadence spectra tool to design PA and I have couple of questions...
1. how to simulate the envelope simulation using spectra... since my PA is for EDGE communication standard so I have to respect the Mask, so I have to see whether my PA output spectrum is meeting the EDGE mask or not, in cadence how to generate the I/Q baseband signal and do rest of the signal processing the feed it to my PA. I suppose this is possible through matlab+Virtuoso AMS+simulink coupler, but I don't have license for AMS tool. is there any other way to generate the baseband signal. I have ADS tool (since I don't have STM models file for ADS so I can't use ADS) lets say I will generate the baseband signal from ADS and save it into .dat file, so does it is possible i can use this .dat file into cadence to simulate envelope simulation.
2. is there any other way to check my PA linearity... since my PA is switched kind of amp(not linear like A, B, AB and C) so I can't sweep my input signal power (which is fixed 1.2V square pulse coming from divider ckt after VCO) and also this is a large signal, but PSS and PSS + PAC simulation is only for small signal... looking into these fact dose IIP3 or ACPR are making any sense to switch PA amplifier (these spec is for linear PA I suppose), so how do I check my output mask requirement. can I do two tone test using pss (I can apply two tone spaced by 200kHz channel small signal into my vco and check the IP3 IP5 etc... using pss simulation and if results are good I can assume my PA will meet the mask...
3. what is the diff between ip3, ip5.. and ACPR...
4. how do I check the stability of my switched PA if my input is not small signal and I can't sweep it (input is a pulse of 1.2V peak).

I have some more question but since this mail is too long so I will ask in different topic...
thanks in advance for positive replay...

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