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Help needed to buy latest DSP kit

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jun 23, 2011
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I am totally new to the DSP applications.

I have to buy a DSP kit which suits my applications
To acquire pulses of mV range with high sampling rate
To process signals and avoid noise from the incoming signal by digitizing and filtering
It needs a ADC possibly SAR or Sigma delta

One vendor told DSP6713 based core with CCS platinum ver 3.1( free version) will meet my requirements and good for beginners. Is it the latest one available for beginners?

Can any body suggest that this CCS good. or I would like to go for a licensed version.I want to minimize the task for assembly language programing. With CCS whether I can program with VC++ or C++
Also, whether CCS support drab and drop block like National instruments software
Kindly any expert throw some light on this so that it would be helpful for me to buy and learn latest DSP technologies.


1. what is your "high sampling rate" range? try look for TMS320F2812. It has ADC with 5V limit (others might have 3.3V limit)

2. go here: **broken link removed**

3. choose which core is suitable for you by go through ti website.

4. CCS is the only platform for texas dsp (if i'm not mistaken)

5. CCS is c/c++ based

6. CCS does not support NI Labview. However, MATLAB provide those capability through Embedded Coder Toolbox (simulink). Not all model supported.

7. Tips: if you want to save your time, find the model which comes with similar example with your problem. Almost all the DSP can suit your problem.

thanks Mr.sei and Mr.horace1 for suggestions. The links provided were really informative.
Thanks a lot

sei was right, CCS is the only TI IDE, based on Eclipse and, then, Java. I think it isn't so much easy for beginners: a lot of configuration feactures (too much and sometimes redundant), slow and some small bugs.
Often it stalls due to Java/eclipse and, if you use the low-cost jtag emulator (xds100), it can result very slow and chashes Windows (the classic blue window).

For the Texas devices, the website is full (crowded) of documentation and links that you risk to lose yourself. Sometimes the google search is better.

I got information from Sheldon Instruments. They provide IDE for VB an Labview for the DSP6713 core. Also they provide all the needed libraries for signal processing. I feel it is much easier to start with the DSP programing with that type of latest kit though it is pricy. What about the experts feel about it. The one I selected is given below.

TMS320C6713 stand-alone DSP Board with Ethernet/USB

This has more facilities than Usual Texas DSK's like RS232, ethernet and USB ports.Experts kindly compare with Texas 6713 DSK's and give me a suggestion.

with regards

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