Help needed in construction of a voice recognition system

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cross de lena

Newbie level 6
Nov 28, 2008
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voice recognition microcontroller

Hi,i am doing a project which is based on a voice recognition system using a microcontroller,the microcontroller has to be trained to recognise 2 or 3 words and when the word is spoken it has to generate a interrupt sort of thing which would unlock a electronic lock(say).I encountered a problem as to how to get the spoken words(isolated) frequency content and other required specifications.
I even searched the forums for similar postings and found a link to a site which gave the details,but it is not still clear too me.Here is the link

Also,if anyone has any,even a little idea on how to move forward please respond.Hoping some one reads this and helps me out since i am in real need of it.Thanking in advance,Thank you.

standalone voicerecognition

Guys,please do help me,i really need this.

Re: Help needed in construction of a voice recognition syste


This is a very good application. I have used colea software for speech processing.
Pls get the ref. materials and go through it. In that you will find frequency spectrum representation and related to speech processing.

It may help u.


Re: Help needed in construction of a voice recognition syste

Thanks for responding.
Can you please amplify your answer on what type of processing you have done on speech.
Also i am a newbie,so please can you tell me that since i am trying to make a stand alone system which has no interface with a computer how can i use this software to do speech processing.

p.s:-Can you also please explain to me how those cornell university students in the above link were doing the process?
Your help is highly appreciated,thank you again.

Re: Help needed in construction of a voice recognition syste


Search Circuit Cellar site there was once a nice project using one of motorola(now freescale) microcontroller for voice recognition

It was done long time ago maybee 8~10 years over the 68705 microcontroller

All the best

Re: Help needed in construction of a voice recognition syste

Thanks for the help till now guys.
I will also be thankfull if some one can give a hint or two about some appliance i can interface with my stand alone voice recognition system so that the it works with the response of the voice recognition system.
Even building it wouldn't be a problem,i just need a good idea about one.
Thanking everyone who have taken there time to look at this post and also i am really greatful to the people who have posted here.
Thank You.

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