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Has anyone have experience in using RN4020 module, please help me.
I was trying to configure RN4020 in mldp mode, but it not responding as described in datasheet. When it starts, it sends 'END' and "CMD" on serial terminal. But as per the datasheet it should respond with "MLDP" on serial port when the cmd pin is high. But it always show "END" and "CMD"
This is my code . I am using pic mcu
I was trying to configure RN4020 in mldp mode, but it not responding as described in datasheet. When it starts, it sends 'END' and "CMD" on serial terminal. But as per the datasheet it should respond with "MLDP" on serial port when the cmd pin is high. But it always show "END" and "CMD"
This is my code . I am using pic mcu
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 #define CMD LATD.B0 #define HW LATD.B1 #define SW LATD.B2 void main() { TRISD=0X00; ANCON0=0XFF; ANCON1=0X1F; TRISC=0X80; UART1_Init(115200); HW=1; SW=1; CMD=0; while(1); UART1_Write_Text("SR,20000000"); UART1_Write_Text("R,1"); UART1_Write_Text("A"); CMD=1; while(1) { } }
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