[SOLVED] help needed about printed dipole PLEASE

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Full Member level 2
Dec 23, 2004
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hello everybody!

have you got paper or design examples about printed dipole or calculation.
i would like to know how to make the matching with a 50Ω port .
i use IE3D
thank a lot.

Attached here is the printed oval dipole antenna available in IE3D examples.

sorry !
here my file

I think there is a mistake with your design.
the Port have no GND,so it cannot work.

can you tell me some details about your work.
for example, frequency ,bandwidth,polarization, gain
and so on.

Go through Chapter 7.9 for Finite Ground Plane in IE3D.
Attached here is the document regarding low power antennas.

thanks for your help!

i think i fing the good way to design my monopole at 500 MHz but now my question is :

how to match my antenna to 50Ω impedance?
is the width is important?
what is the way to reduce the size of my antenna.
i join the my file below.

thanks a lot.

By adjusting width and Ground Plane dimensions you can match to 50 ohms.

Attached here is the revised structure i've tried by varing width to 3.5mm and increased the ground plane dimensions,impedance @500 MHz is 50+j26 Ohms.

Try to vary Ground Plane dimensions to reduce imaginary part.

Thanks you balaguru for your great help.
this afternoon after many tries, i found the method you describe here to match and it works well.

thanks you a lot for your attention.

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