help me to build a football player exchange board

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Newbie level 6
Jan 14, 2008
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Hi friends i am going to build a pcb with avr which is use in foofball match for exchanging football players . I need schematic & software of this project.thanks for ur help

I don't think you'll get complete schematic and software. You have to work to make this yourself. We can only help you in your design.

To begin with, you have to understand how to display data on 7-segment and how to input data from keypad. If you can get a grasp of these, the rest should be easy.

Hope this helps.

i agree Tahmid...

@hamoon2006: so i give u a hint...
1. make two variable in micro, variable a and variable b
2. input some number into those variables with keypad
3. add 2 buttons for displaying number in variable a & b into the 7 segment
4. when referee push button 1 then number in variable a is displayed and when referee push button 2 then number in variable b is displayed in 7 segment.

good luck...
so ur trick can be helpfull .thanks but i don't have time to design pcb & make the software .I am being so happy if someone give me the schematic & software of this project

so ur trick can be helpfull .thanks but i don't have time to design pcb & make the software .I am being so happy if someone give me the schematic & software of this project
if you have don't have time to design pcb software then you must have time to buy we would be very happy to sell the product otherwise my friend
do as erio said it is simple
may be you can post similar thread in
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If you don't have time, there are many who can make it for you. But I don't think they will want to do it for free.


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