Help me solve library error in Proteus

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Newbie level 5
Jul 27, 2012
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Hello, I'm new here and need help. In the simulator Proteus to simulate the LM35 temperature sensor gave the following message and I had never seen before and do not know how to solve, if anyone has a hint will be welcome, ok.

"Can not find model 'LM35.MDF.'
Pin ' VS + 'is not modeled.
Pin 'VOUT' nor is modeled.
Pin 'VS-' is not modeled.
Simulation FAILED due to netlist linker error (s). "

Re: Error msg in Proteus

in device window insert the device with model

Re: Error msg in Proteus

i already place my device at device window, but still not working. Here, my circuitry.


Re: Error msg in Proteus

The error is mentioning Library problem.
Might be you don't have the library in a same folder where your simulator is.
or you should go for reinstall the software.

to confirm the error of library, try to simulate the circuit without LM35, Is it running or not?
If yes then try to found related library in your files or reinstall the program.

Re: Error msg in Proteus

Thanks for the reply .

but I still don't get it how to check wheather the model is inside the library or not.

thank you in advance.

Re: Error msg in Proteus

@ nyeda, I've already mentioned how to check it :

to confirm the error of library, try to simulate the circuit without LM35, Is it running or not?

If it's running without error then the problem is of component library, & If you're still facing the error then reinstall the program or find the library files.

Re: Error msg in Proteus

open the component selector and check the show only components with models option.
Then search if LM35 exists and use that

Re: Error msg in Proteus

Put this file in MODELS directory and check the simulation. If it doesn't work try renaming the file from LM35DZ.MDF to LM35.MDF.

You are using a very old version (7.07) of proteus download and install Proteus 7.10 SP 0 and try. If you need any help mail to

Just an Update...

OK. I found the LM35 files.

Download LM35.rar and extract LM32.IDX and LM35.LIB ti LIBRARY folder and LM35.MDF to MODELS folder.


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Re: Error msg in Proteus

ok thank you for the reply alexan_e and internetuser2k12

i will try to place the file first . thank you

Re: Error msg in Proteus

My LM35 already didnt display that error when play , but the prob is the LCD doesnt display the analog reading. and when i stop the simulation the error come out again .


Re: Error msg in Proteus

You have used .cof file for simulation instead use hex file for similation. Have you put the LM35.IDX, LM35.LIB, and LM35.MDF files into the proper folders? If you still get errors after using .hex file for simulation upload your .dsn file zipped. Also try to post your code. For ADC you have to configure ACCON0, ADCON1, ANSEL, ANSELH, and CMCON registers.
Reactions: nyeda


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Re: Error msg in Proteus

I already put the LM35.IDX, LM35.LIB to LIBRARY folder and lm35.mdf to model folder. I also have simulate it using both .cof and.hex file. when I try it at hardware, it can display the value,

adc code :

#define _XTAL_FREQ 	20000000

int read_adc(unsigned char channel);

int read_adc(unsigned char channel)
ADCON0=0b00000001;					//Turn on A/D module
ADCON1=0b10000000;					//Right Justify
if(channel<=7) ANSEL=ANSEL|(0b00000001<<channel);
else ANSELH=ANSELH|(0b00000001<<(channel-8));
ADCON0=(ADCON0&0xC3)|(channel<<2);			//select analog input channel
ADON=1;							//initiate conversion on the selected channel
while(ADON==1) continue;					//wait until conversion done

LM35 code:

#include <htc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lcd16f887.c"
#include "adc16f887.c"
* DEVICE CONFIGURATION WORDS FOR PIC16F887                                     *

// If PIC16F887 is being selected as device

#define	_XTAL_FREQ	20000000

unsigned char i;
unsigned int an1; //read analog voltage at RA0;
			an1=(int)(4.888*read_adc(1)); //10 mV per celcius. Convert 4.88V to 5Volt( 4.888x 1023=5000mV)	
		//	an1=(an1/10);		
			printf("Celcius   ");
goto here;

Re: Error msg in Proteus

That is not the full code. Where is channel defined? Why do you need RD7 = 1? Check this about adc. you will get some idea. Check only the Hi-Tech C code. mikroC doesn't apply to you. Why have you connected 4K7 to RA1, when you are giving o/p V from LM35 to RA1? Your ADCON1 should be 10001101. with that RA0 and RA1 will be analog.

Where is the code of the include files?

If possible send me your .hex file and also proteus .dsn file. zip and upload the files.
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please send lcd16f877.c and adc16f887.c files.

Does the code work in real hardware?
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the code is working in the real harware , and the value is shown in the display . just i dont get it why the value doesnt display at proteus

#define _XTAL_FREQ 	20000000

int read_adc(unsigned char channel);

int read_adc(unsigned char channel)
ADCON0=0b00000001;					//Turn on A/D module
ADCON1=0b10000000;					//Right Justify
if(channel<=7) ANSEL=ANSEL|(0b00000001<<channel);
else ANSELH=ANSELH|(0b00000001<<(channel-8));
ADCON0=(ADCON0&0xC3)|(channel<<2);			//select analog input channel
ADON=1;							//initiate conversion on the selected channel
while(ADON==1) continue;					//wait until conversion done

#include <htc.h>
#include "pic16f887_config.h"
#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000

// 16x2 LCD controller
// (max characters is 40)
// Initialization: lcd_init();
// To print a string: printf("Hello World");
// A few more formatting subroutines are available. 
// See towards the end of this page. 

// macros to isolate interface dependencies
// LCD is connected to PORTD
#define LCDPort		PORTD
#define LCDTris		TRISD
#define Epin		6
#define RWpin		5
#define RSpin		4
#define BUSYpin		3
#define DATA0pin	0
#define DATA1pin	1
#define DATA2pin	2
#define DATA3pin	3

#define EHIGH          bitset(LCDPort, Epin)
#define ELOW           bitclr(LCDPort, Epin)
#define E_OUTPUT       bitclr(LCDTris, Epin)
#define RSHIGH         bitset(LCDPort, RSpin)
#define RSLOW          bitclr(LCDPort, RSpin)
#define RS_OUTPUT      bitclr(LCDTris, RSpin)
#define RWHIGH         bitset(LCDPort, RWpin)
#define RWLOW          bitclr(LCDPort, RWpin)
#define RW_OUTPUT      bitclr(LCDTris, RWpin)
#define BUSY_FLAG      bittst(LCDPort, BUSYpin)
#define DATA_DIR_RD    {bitset(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}
#define DATA_DIR_WR    {bitclr(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}
#define OUTPUT_DATA(x) {int aval=LCDPort&0xF0; x = x & 0x0F; LCDPort=aval+x;}

void epulse(void){

void lcd_write(
     unsigned char cmd, unsigned char data_flag, unsigned char chk_busy, unsigned char dflag){
	char bflag,c;
	if (chk_busy) {
		RSLOW;       //RS = 0 to check busy
		// check busy
		DATA_DIR_RD;  //set data pins all inputs
		RWHIGH;       // R/W = 1, for read
		do {
			__delay_us(1);  // upper 4 bits
			bflag = BUSY_FLAG;  
		} while(bflag);
	} else {
		__delay_ms(10); // don't use busy, just delay
	if (data_flag)  RSHIGH;   // RS=1, data byte
	else    RSLOW;   // RS=0, command byte
	// device is not busy
	RWLOW;       // R/W = 0, for write
	c = cmd >> 4;  // send upper 4 bits
	if (dflag) {
		c = cmd & 0x0F;  //send lower 4 bits

void lcd_init(void) {
	// configure, see control pins as outputs
	// initialize as low
	__delay_ms(25);  //wait for device to settle
	lcd_write(0x20,0,0,0);  // 4 bit interface
	lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1);  // 2 line display, 5x7 font
	lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1);  // repeat
	lcd_write(0x06,0,0,1);  // enable display
	lcd_write(0x0C,0,0,1);  // turn display on; cursor, blink is off
	lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1);  // clear display, move cursor to home
	__delay_ms(3);   // wait for busy flag to be ready

// send 8 bit char to LCD
void putch (char c) {

void lcd_clear(void){
	lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1);  // clear display, move cursor to home

void lcd_2ndline(void){
	lcd_write(0xC0,0,1,1);  // cursor to 2nd line

void lcd_shiftleft(void){
	lcd_write(0x18,0,1,1);  // shift left
void lcd_shiftright(void){
	lcd_write(0x1C,0,1,1);  // shift right

void lcd_blinkcursor(void){
	lcd_write(0x0F,0,1,1);  // displays and blink a cursor

void lcd_printbar(int bar){
	for(int i=0; i<bar; i++){
		lcd_write(0xFF,1,1,1);	// print bars on the LCD

void lcd_printstring(const char *s)			//send a string to display in the lcd
	unsigned char i=0;
  	while (s && *s)lcd_write(*s++,1,1,1);


Sorry, I get the error message pic16f887_config.h not found. You have to send that file. I can't compile without that file.


In Project > Build Options...> Project > Linker Tab have you checked Format hex file for download?


Jayanth D


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I am getting the errors shown in the image. I don't know htc, I use mikroC. Tell me how to make the compiler recognize ADCON0, etc.


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The adc part is not working. Otherwise it can display values in the second line.

#include <htc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pic16f887.h>

* DEVICE CONFIGURATION WORDS FOR PIC16F887                                     *
// Configuration Bits 

#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000

#define bitset(var,bitno) ((var) |= (1 << (bitno)))
#define bitclr(var,bitno) ((var) &= ~(1 << (bitno)))
#define bittst(var,bitno) (var & (1 << (bitno)))
// If PIC16F887 is being selected as device

// 16x2 LCD controller
// (max characters is 40)
// Initialization: lcd_init();
// To print a string: printf("Hello World");
// A few more formatting subroutines are available. 
// See towards the end of this page. 

// macros to isolate interface dependencies
// LCD is connected to PORTD
#define LCDPort		PORTD
#define LCDTris		TRISD
#define Epin		6
#define RWpin		5
#define RSpin		4
#define BUSYpin		3
#define DATA0pin	0
#define DATA1pin	1
#define DATA2pin	2
#define DATA3pin	3

#define EHIGH          bitset(LCDPort, Epin)
#define ELOW           bitclr(LCDPort, Epin)
#define E_OUTPUT       bitclr(LCDTris, Epin)
#define RSHIGH         bitset(LCDPort, RSpin)
#define RSLOW          bitclr(LCDPort, RSpin)
#define RS_OUTPUT      bitclr(LCDTris, RSpin)
#define RWHIGH         bitset(LCDPort, RWpin)
#define RWLOW          bitclr(LCDPort, RWpin)
#define RW_OUTPUT      bitclr(LCDTris, RWpin)
#define BUSY_FLAG      bittst(LCDPort, BUSYpin)
#define DATA_DIR_RD    {bitset(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}
#define DATA_DIR_WR    {bitclr(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}
#define OUTPUT_DATA(x) {int aval=LCDPort&0xF0; x = x & 0x0F; LCDPort=aval+x;}


long read_adc(unsigned char channel);
void  epulse(void);
void lcd_write(unsigned char cmd, unsigned char data_flag, unsigned char chk_busy, unsigned char dflag);
void lcd_init(void);
void putch(char c);
void lcd_clear(void);
void lcd_2ndline(void);
void lcd_shiftleft(void);
void lcd_shiftright(void);
void lcd_blinkcursor(void);
void lcd_printbar(int bar);
void lcd_printstring(const char *s);

void epulse(void){

void lcd_write(unsigned char cmd, unsigned char data_flag, unsigned char chk_busy, unsigned char dflag){
	char bflag,c;

	if (chk_busy) {
		RSLOW;       						//RS = 0 to check busy
											// check busy
		DATA_DIR_RD;  						//set data pins all inputs
		RWHIGH;       						// R/W = 1, for read
		do {
			__delay_us(1);  				// upper 4 bits
			bflag = BUSY_FLAG;  
		} while(bflag);
	} else {
		__delay_ms(10); 					// don't use busy, just delay

	if (data_flag)  RSHIGH;   				// RS=1, data byte
	else    RSLOW;   						// RS=0, command byte
											// device is not busy
	RWLOW;       							// R/W = 0, for write
	c = cmd >> 4;  							// send upper 4 bits
	if (dflag) {
		c = cmd & 0x0F;  					//send lower 4 bits

void lcd_init(void) {
	// configure, see control pins as outputs
	// initialize as low
	__delay_ms(25);  //wait for device to settle
	lcd_write(0x20,0,0,0);  // 4 bit interface
	lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1);  // 2 line display, 5x7 font
	lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1);  // repeat
	lcd_write(0x06,0,0,1);  // enable display
	lcd_write(0x0C,0,0,1);  // turn display on; cursor, blink is off
	lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1);  // clear display, move cursor to home
	__delay_ms(3);   // wait for busy flag to be ready

// send 8 bit char to LCD
void putch(char c) {

void lcd_clear(void){
	lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1);  // clear display, move cursor to home

void lcd_2ndline(void){
	lcd_write(0xC0,0,1,1);  // cursor to 2nd line

void lcd_shiftleft(void){
	lcd_write(0x18,0,1,1);  // shift left
void lcd_shiftright(void){
	lcd_write(0x1C,0,1,1);  // shift right

void lcd_blinkcursor(void){
	lcd_write(0x0F,0,1,1);  // displays and blink a cursor

void lcd_printbar(int bar){
	for(int i=0; i<bar; i++){
		lcd_write(0xFF,1,1,1);	// print bars on the LCD

void lcd_printstring(const char *s)			//send a string to display in the lcd
	unsigned char i=0;
  	while (s && *s)lcd_write(*s++,1,1,1);


long read_adc(unsigned char channel)
	long result;
	ADRESL = 0x00;
	ADRESH = 0x00;

	ADON = 1;											
	while(ADON == 1) 
	result = ADRESH;        // copy high byte to result
    result <<= 8;           // shift low byte to 2nd byte
    result |= ADRESL;       // OR result with ADRESL to get both the bytes into one var.
    return result;

	TRISD = 0x00;
	TRISA = 0xFF;
	ANSEL  = 0x02;		// 00000010
	ANSELH = 0x00;		// 00000000
	ADCON0 = 0x84;		// 10000100											
	ADCON1 = 0x80;		// 10000000

	unsigned char i;
	long an1;

while(1) {
			//an1 = read_adc(1);
			//an1 = (4.888 * an1); 	
			//printf("Celcius   ");


Try this in your real hardware.

#include <htc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pic16f887.h>

* DEVICE CONFIGURATION WORDS FOR PIC16F887                                     *
// Configuration Bits 

#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000

#define bitset(var,bitno) ((var) |= (1 << (bitno)))
#define bitclr(var,bitno) ((var) &= ~(1 << (bitno)))
#define bittst(var,bitno) (var & (1 << (bitno)))
// If PIC16F887 is being selected as device

// 16x2 LCD controller
// (max characters is 40)
// Initialization: lcd_init();
// To print a string: printf("Hello World");
// A few more formatting subroutines are available. 
// See towards the end of this page. 

// macros to isolate interface dependencies
// LCD is connected to PORTD
#define LCDPort		PORTD
#define LCDTris		TRISD
#define Epin		6
#define RWpin		5
#define RSpin		4
#define BUSYpin		3
#define DATA0pin	0
#define DATA1pin	1
#define DATA2pin	2
#define DATA3pin	3

#define EHIGH          bitset(LCDPort, Epin)
#define ELOW           bitclr(LCDPort, Epin)
#define E_OUTPUT       bitclr(LCDTris, Epin)
#define RSHIGH         bitset(LCDPort, RSpin)
#define RSLOW          bitclr(LCDPort, RSpin)
#define RS_OUTPUT      bitclr(LCDTris, RSpin)
#define RWHIGH         bitset(LCDPort, RWpin)
#define RWLOW          bitclr(LCDPort, RWpin)
#define RW_OUTPUT      bitclr(LCDTris, RWpin)
#define BUSY_FLAG      bittst(LCDPort, BUSYpin)
#define DATA_DIR_RD    {bitset(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitset(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}
#define DATA_DIR_WR    {bitclr(LCDTris,DATA3pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA2pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA1pin);bitclr(LCDTris,DATA0pin);}
#define OUTPUT_DATA(x) {int aval=LCDPort&0xF0; x = x & 0x0F; LCDPort=aval+x;}


long read_adc();
void  epulse(void);
void lcd_write(unsigned char cmd, unsigned char data_flag, unsigned char chk_busy, unsigned char dflag);
void lcd_init(void);
void putch(char c);
void lcd_clear(void);
void lcd_2ndline(void);
void lcd_shiftleft(void);
void lcd_shiftright(void);
void lcd_blinkcursor(void);
void lcd_printbar(int bar);
void lcd_printstring(const char *s);
void Delay_ms(unsigned int time);

void epulse(void){

void lcd_write(unsigned char cmd, unsigned char data_flag, unsigned char chk_busy, unsigned char dflag){
	char bflag,c;

	if (chk_busy) {
		RSLOW;       						//RS = 0 to check busy
											// check busy
		DATA_DIR_RD;  						//set data pins all inputs
		RWHIGH;       						// R/W = 1, for read
		do {
			__delay_us(1);  				// upper 4 bits
			bflag = BUSY_FLAG;  
		} while(bflag);
	} else {
		__delay_ms(10); 					// don't use busy, just delay

	if (data_flag)  RSHIGH;   				// RS=1, data byte
	else    RSLOW;   						// RS=0, command byte
											// device is not busy
	RWLOW;       							// R/W = 0, for write
	c = cmd >> 4;  							// send upper 4 bits
	if (dflag) {
		c = cmd & 0x0F;  					//send lower 4 bits

void lcd_init(void) {
	// configure, see control pins as outputs
	// initialize as low
	__delay_ms(25);  //wait for device to settle
	lcd_write(0x20,0,0,0);  // 4 bit interface
	lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1);  // 2 line display, 5x7 font
	lcd_write(0x28,0,0,1);  // repeat
	lcd_write(0x06,0,0,1);  // enable display
	lcd_write(0x0C,0,0,1);  // turn display on; cursor, blink is off
	lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1);  // clear display, move cursor to home
	__delay_ms(3);   // wait for busy flag to be ready

// send 8 bit char to LCD
void putch(char c) {

void lcd_clear(void){
	lcd_write(0x01,0,0,1);  // clear display, move cursor to home

void lcd_2ndline(void){
	lcd_write(0xC0,0,1,1);  // cursor to 2nd line

void lcd_shiftleft(void){
	lcd_write(0x18,0,1,1);  // shift left
void lcd_shiftright(void){
	lcd_write(0x1C,0,1,1);  // shift right

void lcd_blinkcursor(void){
	lcd_write(0x0F,0,1,1);  // displays and blink a cursor

void lcd_printbar(int bar){
	for(int i=0; i<bar; i++){
		lcd_write(0xFF,1,1,1);	// print bars on the LCD

void lcd_printstring(const char *s)			//send a string to display in the lcd
	unsigned char i=0;
  	while (s && *s)lcd_write(*s++,1,1,1);


void Delay_ms(unsigned int time)
			unsigned int i,j;
			for(i = 0 ; i < time ; i++);
			for(j = 0; j < 165 ; j++);

long read_adc()
	long result;

	ADCON0 = 0x88;		// 10000100											
	ADCON1 = 0x80;		// 10000000
	ADRESL = 0x00;
	ADRESH = 0x00;
	ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
	ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
	ADCON0bits.ADON = 0;
	result = ADRESH;        
	result <<= 8;            
	result |= ADRESL;       
	return result;

	TRISD = 0x00;
	TRISA = 0xFF;
	PORTA = 0x00;
	PORTD = 0x00;
	ANSEL  = 0x04;		// 00000010
	ANSELH = 0x00;		// 00000000
	C1ON = 0;
	C2ON = 0;

	unsigned char i;
	long an1;

	while(1) {
			an1 = read_adc();
			an1 = (4.888 * an1);
			printf("Celcius   ");

The problem is with printf function. It is not printing from variables.


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means i have to try the second coding isit ?

thnak you for helping me . i'll try to do using your coding

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