Help me choose a webserver for static websites

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Newbie level 4
Aug 31, 2004
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Alternativ WebServer

Hi all!

Recently i have got my DSL-Flatrate and now i have the strange urge to set up a webserver (via dyndns eg) at home. All i want is just a little http server for static (for now) websites.

I dont want to have a "normal" PC standing somewher in the corner and doing this task - would be too easy. So i search an embedded platform which is (if possible) cheap (in the range of <300€/$) and capable of running any kind of linux.

Recently i stepped over uCsimm, but i dont think thats what im searching for...
So my idea was to buy a consumer-product (which is mostly cheaper than a geek-specialiced product like uCsimm) like a broadbandrouter (already seen with <<50€) or a dvd player or a Digital TV-Settopbox or a PDA or something.

Minumum req: easy flashable and available linuxport, serialport (for ehancments, like NV-Storage...) and a Ethernetport (10 or 100Mbit/s)

Has anyone an idea for what i should looking for... or any other ideas?

add. infos:
*)im connected to the internet via xDSL ~1000kbit down / 728kbit down
*)after the modem is a router/switch combination which handles the PPTP, so i havnt pay attention to that.
*)im from austria/europa

thanks in advance

Re: Alternativ WebServer


it might be wise to check with your provider whether running a webserver at home is allowed before you start investing. I know that most, if not all, providers do not allow it/strongly discourage this in my country.

best regards

Re: Alternativ WebServer

I know... my prior ISP had this in their EULAs (or how is this called ?!?) but now, my new provider has no such rule - dedicated in the contract...

And i know other having running a server - ok... i know, that want define a rule... but i dont think this might be a problem.

but ill look onto ther website and into my contracts with them for further infos...

thx so far

Re: Alternativ WebServer

You could get one of these cheap WLAN Routers with embedded Linux (about 90EUR).
If router comes with a USB port (like Asus WL-500G(x)) for attaching an external USB drive, you can use this as a server.
There are also quite a few NAS (network attached storage) devices (from Asus, Linksys, ...), which are also Linux based and therefore could also be used as a server. RAM ist quite limited, but should be enough for simple applications (FTP, static HTML pages, ...).

Maybe an old Pentium or 486 PC with a small Linux installation is also a good choice. But power consumption is higher than an embedded solution.

Alternativ WebServer

Yup, network storage is getting cheaper and cheaper these days. I know it's not *really* what you wanted, but I think a normal PC would be your best bet. In the future you will probably want to run PHP and SQL, and a simple network storage drive would be useless for this. I'm running a webserver on an old AMD K6-450 that I got for free, and this seems to be fine.

Re: Alternativ WebServer

Dear daniel.
I agree with seven_segment. I believe a reasonable cheap pc (486, pentium) would be enoguh for your needs. Besides, the capabilities of configuring a complete webserver running on linux pc are a lot powerfull than those avaliable? on an embedded system.
By the way, I know everybody knows the apache webserver, but, I've been using the Litespeed webserver, wich i personally find a lot better than apache.

Re: Alternativ WebServer


Of course an old x86 was my first choice. I have a couple of them lyinig around... but, as i said: it would be too easy

The main goal is the technical challenge, after that the power consumption and after that the performance.

Ive searched the web meanwhile a bit and spand a lot of time thinking for the right solution. Till now, i'am following these two ideas:
1) an embedded x86 (eg: **broken link removed**)
(might be a bit expensive - but for sure, one of the best (according to performance vs. powerconsumption) solution)
2) an PDA from ebay with an 10Mbit Ethernet-adapter (eg a iPaq, with flashed linux on it)

But if someone knows a well ported linux to any consumer-product (if its a NAS, Router or even a washing machine ), i would be very thankfull for any hint....

Thx so far,

Re: Alternativ WebServer

for the fun of it. i would recommend finding an old Compaq Ipaq3600
and installing one of the many linuxes on it!
i have run linux on these with no problems. they are easily flashable
pcmcia sleve with ne2000 card makes it easy!

i have also got my hands on a nifty little phantom server based on the ubicom chipset!

my latest project is a wlan router (RG1000) although x86 based (486-33), it is still a chalange. it has pcmcia socket(for wireless card) but could be used for anything. eg USB card and harddrive or whatever..
there is firmware out there with etherboot build in, which can be modifyed to boot from CF card or simular, maby even usb stik placed in pcmcia usb card?

have a friend i havent herd from in a while who tryied to www server enable an HP printerserver. (has www and ethernet as standard) just needed changing.. sounds easy right )

i also belive linksys has a few linux'able routers

if you want to build the server hardware yourselve, there is an almost infinite number of projects out there, based on PIC, ATMEL, TI, DS and other micros!

hope this helped, or atleast confuses you
good luck

/Rune Kyndal

Re: Alternativ WebServer


Yepp, thx for the comment... Meanwhile ive found something looking really impressive:
it works with the linksys products and some Asusrouter. I think, ill put my hands on some of those...


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