Help for CST network computing setup

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Junior Member level 1
Oct 7, 2003
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distributed computing setup

I want to setup two computers to speed up the computation time for my simualtion through CST. I try to setup network distributed computing which is one of the feature of CST . However, I fail that.

First, I create a common folder (i.e. share) in computer A. I also make sure every computers in my workgroup can access this folder Then , I setup as follows:

For Computer A
1. File ==> Network computing
2. set the queue path as share folder.
3. click use this computer as network computing server.
4. Parallel jobs =1
5.Then click o.k.

The first computer A can be sucessful to setup network computing.

Then I try to setup the other computer B as follows:

For Computer B
1 File ==> Network computing
2. set the queue path as share folder(which is the share folder in computer B)
3. click use this computer as network computing server.
4. Parallel jobs =1
5.Then click o.k.

Then it pop up the following error.

Access to computer A \\share\access was denied.

It seems Computer B cannot access the folder share in computer A through the CST . But I have already setup the security to everone can be access. Also, I can access this share folder in computer B though queue path selectoin button in network computing setup.

I wonder if anyone can help me out. I am very appricated for your help.


cst distributed computing

I suggest you contact CST in Germany to get assistance. They are currently working on a few patches for network distributed computing. By 18 Jan they released v5.1.1 of CST MWS, maybe this release contains bug fixes for the network issues.

CST GmbH - Headquarters
Bad Nauheimer Str. 19
D-64289 Darmstadt
Phone: + 49-(0)6151-7303-0
Fax: + 49-(0)6151-7303-10
Technical Support: + 49-(0)6151-7303-40

how to setup a distributed computing network

a quick look at your settings reveals that both computers A & B are acting as "network computing servers"... how can this be ?

In distributed computing only one computer is set as server...

am i wrong?

cst distributed computing security

When you install network computing - CST just create and start special service by default under LOCAL SYSTEM account.
Usually such account hasn't privelege for access to your shared folder. You need to chose another option (it's available in MWS v5.1 ) and create service with your current account or you need manualy change properties of CST Network service using /Control Panel/Admin Tools/Services/


speed up cst

Dear mogwai and navuho,

Thanks for your quick resposne and great help.

For choosing the other option , You mean "run the service in the following account", What should I fill in

User Name???

Also, I need manualy change properties of CST Network service using /Control Panel/Admin Tools/Services/ What I need to change ?

Thanks for your time and help.


What should I fill in
exactly the same as when you login to windows

What I need to change
Nothing - if you already did it within CST

Dear navuho,

I have used the login in name that I login into windows. (i.e. Login nameeter, Password : xxxxx) However, it pop up the that "\\share\access was denied".

Thanks for your comment and advice.


Ok, it means that probably your are conected to shared folder under different name. Check this or yours actual access rights to shared folder.
In my case all is working fine.

Hi all,

I dunno if this helps but this is how to do it:

1. Make sure that you have license for distributed computing :roll:
2. Computer A:

-Setup share folder in computer A
-bring up CST and put share folder directory in Network computing queue path
-start server

- if you have a log in for your computer and encounter error e.g. can't see folder etc.. (bring up network computing server control panel click radio button: use the following account to acess the serve, then key in your log and password for computer A)

3. Computer B

-use computer B to make sure that share folder on computer A is visible on computer B (e.g. use explorer to browse and maybe try to create a file in that folder so u r sure it is able to write to the share folder)

-enter the same share folder as in computer A in the network computing queue path.

-start network computing server

-same solution as above if you encounter can't see folder error..etc use log on and password for computer B this time though

Volia!! you should see both computer names as idle on the server queue.
Hope this helps.


Hi peter7488

it's windows problem
1. open new folder in comp. "B" Right click on mouse then look for sharing and security line. click on it
2. in network sharing and security mark the box Share this folder on the network
3. now the most important think put "NAME" to the Share. Without name it's not
4. Then mark the box allow network users to change my files to let CST to do what it have to do.
5.try to look for the share name and then the new folder befor starting to see if it's works.


I have the same problem,but I have solved.I use winxp sp2 simple chinese version,I found the Network Computing Server must start from Control Panel_Admin Tools_Service_CST Network Computing Server_Property.
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Is is possible to use network computing in CST haveing coputers of differenct computing power.

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