Help! Creating an embedded system for LCD projectors.

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Newbie level 2
Aug 20, 2008
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embedded lcd projector

Our project proposal is to create an emdedded device that would take PowerPoint Show (.pps) files as an input.

This device takes the input from a USB flash drive. There will be an interface that will enable the user to select a single or multiple PowerPoint show (.pps) files. Inside the device, a conversion of the .pps file to .jpeg file will occur.
The .jpeg file will be shown in the LCD projector.
This device is connected to an LCD projector through that VGA port.

My questions are:
1.) Is this project attainable?
2.) Is a System on a Chip (SoC) appropriate to use for our required operation?
3.) Since SoC can support an OS, can linux be programmed to perform our specified operation?
4.) If SoC cannot support our specified operations can we consider using an ITX motherboard? (As long as we can manage to enable it to perform an embedded operation according to our Professor) If yes, is it really possible for us to enable it to perform an embedded operation?

Thank you very much... We really need your opinions and ideas...
God Bless...

laptop lcd with embeded system

I do not really this this is a practical proposition. I do not think that pps files actually contain graphic information, but a database of instructions to direct Powerpoint what to do on screen. I really think that you probably need an embedded PC with a suitable graphics subsystem. One of course could just connect a laptop to a projector, but you are obviously not wanting to do this. I might point out that I am making a general assumption here, and someone may indeed say it is possible. I would say though, that this is rather unlikely. Good luck anyway.

Added after 9 minutes:

Just a further thought. Perhaps you gould get a micro ATX board and install windows and powerpoint, then have it boot up in pp. You could then set the input file as a usb device. I dont use pp, but I would have thought you could get it to load up the last file used, when it boots. If you then make sure that the file on the memory stick always has the same name, whatever it contains. Well its an idea anyway!

making a jpeg image for lcd projector

So, you are saying that it is really possible to boot up a certain OS directly in pp? Would you mind to further elaborate on your idea upon this situation? Thank you...

create lcd projector

Sorry I have not replied sooner, holidays etc. My idea was to have say a portable version of windows on a memory stick, Bart PE etc, you can google for details. You can then set the bios on your motherboard to boot from usb first. Within windows you should then be able set powerpoint to autostart. The only thing I am not sure about is if powerpoint can be set to autorun the last file used. If it can, you should should be able to just insert the memory stick and switch on. Never done this, but is worth further investigation I think.

Added after 3 hours 33 minutes:

Possibly this

Change xs for correct letters

Or do a search for usb portable xp or similar

projector embedded power point

You could create a software that converts the pps file into several jpeg image slides and store in a USB as it will not require a an OS.

Added after 3 minutes:

Wouldn't it be easier to use linux on flash instead of windows. You can use openoffice to read the pps files and you can also slimline the OS to your needs. You can also create a customised user menu.

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