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GSM Controlled Door latch with security autodial-up??????

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Sep 12, 2009
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This is my final year project....this project is designed on the DTMF decoding. Our modern telephone and even mobile phone uses DTMF coding for number dialing. These DTMF codes can be decoded and utilized for useful purposes. The circuit utilizes IC8870 for DTMF decoding. Microcontroller 89C51 reads these codes and takes the necessary action. Door latch can be opened by entering the correct password. Security sensors may also be connected for adiitional security......

Pls help me to finish my final year project.......thanks

Which part are you asking about? The microcontroller firmware, the door latching electronic circuit, the interface between the mobile phone and the microcotroller?
Please, be more specific.
Re: GSM Controlled Door latch with security autodial-up?????

ya...interface between the mobile phone and the microcontroller...... the program in microcontroller

What are the model of mobile phone used?
I recommend Nokia 6610.
For the firmware, you have to provide us with the schematic.

but i using Nokia 7610 possible use this model???

what firmware i need provide??? very sorry i'm a newbie for this project.....can u give me a detail that what kind of firmware u need.....i'll try to provide

Re: GSM Controlled Door latch with security autodial-up?????

First of all, the cable of the Nokia7610 is USB. This means that you won't be able to interface it the microcontroller. I mean you will need drivers and USB controllers chips which will be very complicated.
So, I suggest you get yourself a Nokia 6610 or any other mobile phone that has a serial cable.
Check this website:
Second, when you get the phone and connect it to the microcontroller, you can then start reading about the AT-Commands those will be used to dial the phone number or send SMS.
Here's a good tutorial for the AT-Commands

All you have to do now as a start is to get a mobile phone with serial cable not USB.

Good Luck

Re: GSM Controlled Door latch with security autodial-up?????

seadolphine2000 said:
First of all, the cable of the Nokia7610 is USB. This means that you won't be able to interface it the microcontroller. I mean you will need drivers and USB controllers chips which will be very complicated.
So, I suggest you get yourself a Nokia 6610 or any other mobile phone that has a serial cable
The schematic with the original post, as well as eric0720's description, would lead one to believe that his intent is to take the audio from the phone, decode the DTMF tones, and act upon those tones. Althought the title mentions 'gsm' and 'auto-dial', in his description he doesn't mention connecting to the phone to control it - although I'm not sure how he proposes to have the phone answer the call.

If eric0720 does intend on connecting the phone to a uP to control it, I'd suggest he consider using a GSM modem instead. For little more than the price of the phone you can get a module that is made for that purpose. It also, moves the project from the 'hobbyist' realm into the 'professional' realm. If I was a prospective employer looking to hire this new graduate, I'd be more impressed if he used a GSM module rather than a phone.

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