Member level 3
I am working on three phase v/f sclar drive and using semikron skyper32r IGBT driver. The drive work fine and motor speed is controlling as desire. But I also measuring input voltage and current form rectifier (dc output), before feeding it to IGBT. And here the problem come, there is high frequency noise in ground plan. the opamp circuit I use effected by this noise and result is not proper.For current measurement I use ferrite core current transformer and for voltage i use voltage divider .I average the voltage and current value in microcontroller but only small improvement. I use dspic33fj64mc706 microcontroller. The noise pp voltage is 3V. And there is no dout that the noise is coming for skyper 32r. My dead time is 2us given form microcontroller register's and PWM is 20KHz. I try everthing like capacitor and LC filter but they not work because noise is in ground plan. I use adapter Board 1 SKYPER 32 R and connect all component as given in data sheet.I also contact semikron person but there answer is that they never test there board's on any dynamic load. So please help me to solve this problem.