glcd draw circle and convert bitmap

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Member level 5
Sep 30, 2011
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Hi all,

I am designing a picture to display on lcd. Have any software can support this and convert to a bitmap?
Also, I have a function to draw a circle on lcd but it does not work and something are missing, can anyone help me to modify it?

// Purpose:       Draw a circle on a graphic LCD 
// Inputs:        (x,y) - the center of the circle 
//                radius - the radius of the circle 
//                fill - YES or NO 
//                color - ON or OFF
void glcd_circle(int x, int y, int radius, int1 fill, int1 color) 
   signed int a, b, P; 
   a = 0; 
   b = radius; 
   P = 1 - radius; 
         glcd_line(x-a, y+b, x+a, y+b, color); 
         glcd_line(x-a, y-b, x+a, y-b, color); 
         glcd_line(x-b, y+a, x+b, y+a, color); 
         glcd_line(x-b, y-a, x+b, y-a, color); 
         glcd_pixel(a+x, b+y, color); 
         glcd_pixel(b+x, a+y, color); 
         glcd_pixel(x-a, b+y, color); 
         glcd_pixel(x-b, a+y, color); 
         glcd_pixel(b+x, y-a, color); 
         glcd_pixel(a+x, y-b, color); 
         glcd_pixel(x-a, y-b, color); 
         glcd_pixel(x-b, y-a, color); 
      if(P  0) 
         P+= 3 + 2*a++; 
         P+= 5 + 2*(a++ - b--); 
    } while(a = b); 
void glcd_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int1 color) 
   signed int  x, y, addx, addy, dx, dy; 
   signed long P; 
   int i; 
   dx = abs((signed int)(x2 - x1)); 
   dy = abs((signed int)(y2 - y1)); 
   x = x1; 
   y = y1; 
   if(x1 > x2) 
      addx = -1; 
      addx = 1; 
   if(y1 > y2) 
      addy = -1; 
      addy = 1; 
   if(dx >= dy) 
      P = 2*dy - dx; 
         glcd_pixel(x, y, color); 
            P += 2*dy; 
            x += addx; 
            P += 2*dy - 2*dx; 
            x += addx; 
            y += addy; 
      } while(x!=x2);
      P = 2*dx - dy; 
         glcd_pixel(x, y, color); 
            P += 2*dx; 
            y += addy; 
            P += 2*dx - 2*dy; 
            x += addx; 
            y += addy; 
      } while(y!=y2);
// Purpose:       Turn a pixel on a graphic LCD on or off 
// Inputs:        x - the x coordinate of the pixel 
//                y - the y coordinate of the pixel 
//                color - ON or OFF 
// Output:        1 if coordinate out of range, 0 if in range 
void glcd_pixel(int x, int y, int1 color) 
   BYTE data; 
   BYTE chip = GLCD_CS1;  // Stores which chip to use on the LCD 
   if(x > 63)  // Check for first or second display area 
      x -= 64; 
      chip = GLCD_CS2; 
   output_low(GLCD_DI);                                     // Set for instruction 
   bit_clear(x,7);                                          // Clear the MSB. Part of an instruction code 
   bit_set(x,6);                                            // Set bit 6. Also part of an instruction code 
   glcd_writeByte(chip, x);                                 // Set the horizontal address 
   glcd_writeByte(chip, (y/8 & 0b10111111) | 0b10111000);   // Set the vertical page address 
   output_high(GLCD_DI);                                    // Set for data 
   data = glcd_readByte(chip); 
   if(color == ON) 
      bit_set(data, y%8);        // Turn the pixel on 
   else                          // or 
      bit_clear(data, y%8);      // turn the pixel off 
   output_low(GLCD_DI);          // Set for instruction 
   glcd_writeByte(chip, x);      // Set the horizontal address 
   output_high(GLCD_DI);         // Set for data 
   glcd_writeByte(chip, data);   // Write the pixel data 
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thanks srizbf, I have seen these site before. I want you know that my issue is how to create a circle on glcd and the function have 2 type circle simular to the above function
(fill = 1 or 0). You can see the above glcd_circle function including a blank (if(P 0)). I do not distinguish which the operand should be put on it or the whole glcd_circle function is failure.
The second question is: I want a software to offer me to draw and convert to bitmap. I have remember to use a glcd-simulator to do this but I have delete it and cannot find it now. Thus, any suggestion software(please ensure a download link since many site no longer to upload the free version) or glcd-simulator?

p.s: I have tested the function of glcd_line and glcd_pixel and it's work.

i dont know whether you are referring glcd simulator written by the second link site.

anyway , you can generate in image or paint whatever you want with painting software(say, microsoft paint).
save the file as bitmap file.

then download 'lcdassistant' from

the above sw can write c file comaptible to many glcds.
you can gothrough the software lcdassistant and see whether it is of use to you.

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