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Getting into VLSI after a break

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Newbie level 2
Jun 17, 2011
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Is it possible to restart a career in vlsi after a break of 3 years. Have a prior experience of 2 years (verification experience) in this field. Will training from institutes like Sandeepani or Maven in bangalore help the cause (am from India).

Sorry, I don't know what is Sandeepani or Maven, as I do not come from India.

But I do know if you are really keen to embark on a career in VLSI design and/or ASIC, more than often, the FIRST criteria is relevant experience in this field.
Since you have 2 years of verification experience, you have an upperhand here, but not enough.
Having said that, you will stand a higher chance if you have worked for big MNC like Marvel, STMicroelectronics, TI, Synopsis, Altera, Xilinx, Cadence, Micron or the likes of known industries.
If you do not come from any of the above-mentioned places, you can be from IMEC (Belgium), Fraunhofer (Germany) or A*STAR (Singapore), would still do you a good headstart in your career.

Your degree, usually a Master's degree in VLSI/Microelectronics or relevant course from a reputable university will stand a higher chance.
Otherwise, a good Bachelor's degree from a reputable university in EEE/EE/CE/Physics will be helpful.

Your technical interview. Whether you know your stuff and how relevant are your past achievements help.
Interviewers look for your potential and capability.
Simply throw you a few theoretical questions, observe how you analyse the problem and demonstrate knowledge and understanding in theories are keys, but not enough.
VLSI is hardcore engineering, where theory is not enough. You must be able to show how you can DO THINGS PRACTICALLY to achieve COST, EASE of Implementation, and long-term stategy of your design approach.
So.... You can know your textbook, but you better be one that can apply textbook knowledge with MORE creativity in engineering practical results.

If possible, do more homework on the kind of job you want to apply for and try to understand that, so you don't get a shock for something you are expected to know, but you didn't put in enough effort to hit the interview sweet spots.

Good luck!

Thank you SkyHigh for your detailed response.

Firstly Sandeepani/Maven are training institutes which claim to provide industry oriented training in VLSI giving exposure to various EDA tools and methodologies. So I was wondering if these can help me catch up with the latest trends in the industry so that I become more relevant.

Coming to my background, I have a Bachelor's from a University which definitely does not belong to the Ivy league of the country. During the two years of my job, my client was TI.

I do understand that I will not get a break into the reputed MNCs but is the entry into the smaller services companies (operating in the typical onshore offshore model to serve the reputed MNCs) still possible? It is the possibility of one break which might put me back on track, that I am wondering about.

OK, as you mentioned, joining training institutes like Sandeepani or Maven is a viable option.
As I am not sure of how employable are the people who were trained at these institutes, I suggest you find out whether the end result are what you really wanted.
In other words, did these people who were trained at these institutes really get to join VLSI companies that provide them a career in VLSI design or other job scopes?
This is an important question that you got to find out for yourself.

Secondly, since you have a bachelor's degree, you can consider a few options below:

1. Apply to be intern in MNC, where you can be professionally trained in VLSI. This is the most straight forward way to work in your career of choice and getting trained in MNC. Pretty common in North America, Europe, Far East Asia like China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

2. Apply to be a research associate or research engineer in national laboratories under a reputable university.
Not only you get to learn from people in places of "higher expectation", it also boosts your resume as well as establishing contacts with MNC (that usually have links with professors in reputable university).

My advice for you is try not to join 2nd or 3rd tier companies as it is usually harder to join 1st tier companies after some years.
Reason being that MNC usually hire experienced engineers from other MNC, or potential fresh grads from reputable universities, or experienced engineers from 2nd tier companies.

Job market is very competitive, so I hope you don't put your foot out and hit on the less favourable path.

Good luck!
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