Gerber problem in allegro 16.5

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Newbie level 5
Apr 19, 2014
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I need to generate the next gerber files to send a manufacturer:

Top layer: pcbname.GTL
Bottom layer: pcbname.GBL
Solder Stop Mask top: pcbname.GTS
Solder Stop Mask Bottom pcbname.GBS
Silk Top: pcbname.GTO
Silk Bottom pcbname.GBO
NC Drill: pcbname.TXT
Outline layer: pcbname.GKO

The problem is that I only can get .art files and for this manufacturer are not valid.
How I can do it?

Thank you very much in advance.
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You should generate it to CAD files and then send to the manufacturer.


Thank you for your response but how I do that? is there a option in allegro or I need other soft?

CAD software will help u to do that.
Thank you for your response but how I do that? is there a option in allegro or I need other soft?

CAD software will help u to do that.

I'm using ORCAD software, the problem is that I need to generate the file .GTL .GBL..etc instead only I have the files *.art for all layers.

Label your layers and use a standard extension and tell your manufacturer to read them in and shut up. Or go to another manufacturer, its not rocket science its Gerber data and if your manufacturer cant do a simple little thing like this they are not worth using. They should work to your format and data, I have never liked the idea of using the extension to indicate the Gerber layer, its old fashioned and even when file names were only 11 chars long it was a pain, and only one or two systems outputted it that way. To use it in this day and age is dated.
I would tell the manufacturer to sort it as I have said, or you could just change the extensions yourself, but I don't agree with this process as it could lead to an error, so preferred get the manufacturer to sort your data, its then his responsibility and that's what you pay him for.

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