Generate vhdl netlist by ise

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Newbie level 6
Aug 4, 2017
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i have verilog code for a multiplier and i want to generate it's vhdl net list with ISE.
but idont khow how.
i use

Follow these steps:

1. Generate an NGD file for the core as follows:

NOTE: File can be EDIF or NGC. i.e. corename.edn or corename.ngc.

ngdbuild -p <part_type> corename.ngc ---> Yields a file named "corename.ngd"

For example: 

ngdbuild -p XC4VSX35ff668-10 bram2048x8.ngc ---> Yields a file named "bram2048x8.ngd"

(If you are using Xilinx Project Navigator, this is equivalent to running only the "translate" stage in the Process View, targeting an XC4VSX35ff668-10 part type.)

2. Generate a gate-level simulation netlist with NetGen as follows:

NOTE 1: You must generate the netlist in command line mode, and you MUST include the .ngd extension.
NOTE 2: If you are using an older version of the Xilinx software, you must use the commands listed below under Solution 2.

For example:

netgen -sim -ofmt verilog corename.ngd
netgen -sim -ofmt vhdl corename.ngd

3. If you are performing VHDL behavioral simulation and are substituting this new model for a CORE Generator module, you only need a component and instantiation block for both simulation and synthesis. The configuration snippet from the CORE Generator VHO file should be commented out. For example, for an 8-bit adder, the following block should be commented out:

-- synopsys translate_on
-- for all : myadder8 use entity XilinxCoreLib.C_ADDSUB_V1_0(behavioral)
-- generic map(
-- c_sinit_val => "0",
-- c_a_type => 0,
-- c_sync_enable => 0,
-- c_has_ainit => 0,
-- c_sync_priority => 1,
. . . (remaining generics omitted)
-- end for;

-- synopsys translate_on

4. If you are performing Verilog behavioral simulation and are substituting this new model for a CORE Generator module, you only need part of a module declaration and instantiation block for both simulation and synthesis. The library inclusion and part of the module declaration from the CORE Generator VEO file should be commented out. For example, for an add_sub core, the following block should be commented out:

// synopsys translate_off

`include "XilinxCoreLib/C_ADDSUB_V1_0.v"

// synopsys translate_on

// synopsys translate_off

C_ADDSUB_V1_0 #(
inst (

// synopsys translate_on


NOTE: If you are using an older version of the Xilinx software (less than 6.1i), you must use the following commands for Step 2.

2. Generate a gate-level simulation netlist with the appropriate translator (NGD2VHDL for a VHDL netlist, and NGD2VER for a Verilog netlist). 

NOTE: You must generate the netlist in command line mode, and you MUST include the .ngd extension.

For example:

ngd2ver corename.ngd (Verilog)
ngd2vhdl corename.ngd (VHDL)
but it doesn't help.
if anyone has a document or can explain for me please do it step by step.
thank u so much.

Re: generate vhdl netlist by ise

you seem to have posted an answer in your post. Use that or explain what part you do not understand or that did not work.

Re: generate vhdl netlist by ise

I'm not sure what you mean by a "VHDL netlist". There's no such thing. An NGD netlist can be generated from VHDL or Verilog. There are conversion utilities to convert from NGD to either VHDL or Verilog.

Re: generate vhdl netlist by ise

i do the flow but i am not sure i do part 4 correctly and i have error when i use the command in part 5

i have a code its language is verilog, when i synthesize it by ISE a file generate that its language is VHDL and its my code netlist.
now my problem change to the one below:
when i change this netlist and add some modules to it and synthesize it again, this VHDL file doesn't generate so i don't have a netlist.

Re: generate vhdl netlist by ise

As in your #1, the following command should be doing what you want to do. If you have tried this what is the difficulty you are having?
ngd2vhdl corename.ngd (VHDL)

when i change this netlist and add some modules to it and synthesize it again, this VHDL file doesn't generate so i don't have a netlist.
You mean to say you are changing the design by changing the RTL and re-generating the netlist right?
Are you sure the new VHDL module/s has/have been properly instantiated within the original Verilog design?
Have you done functional verification of the changed design before re-generating the netlist?

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