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from verilog to vhdl code

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Apr 19, 2010
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Please how can i change the following verilog code to vhdl code to understand it. I don't know the meaning of the verilog syntax:

module md(clk, rst, k_in, v_out, v_out_offset);
input clk, rst;
input [23:0] k_in;
output [3:0] v_out, v_out_offset;

reg [3:0] v_out,v_out_offset;
reg [23:0] D1, D2, D3;
wire [23:0] sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6, sum7, v_fd, v_fd_neg;

assign sum1 = k_in + v_fd_neg;
assign sum2=sum1 + D1;
assign sum3=D1 + D2;
assign sum4=D2 + D3;
assign sum5=D2 + {D2[23],D2[23:1]};
assign sum6={D1[22:0],D1[0]} + {D3[23],D3[23:1]} +sum5;
assign sum7=sum6[23:19] + 1'b1;

always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if(rst) D1<=24'h0;
else D1<=sum2;

always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if(rst) D2<=24'h0;
else D2<=sum3;

always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if(rst) D3<=24'h0;
else D3<=sum4;

always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)

v_out_offset<=sum7[4:1]+ 4'b1000;


assign v_fd=~sum7[4:1]+1'b1;
assign v_fd_neg={v_fd[3:0],20'h00000};


if you want to understand then change the following codes from verilog to vhdl
In Verilog In Vhdl
wire = signals
always@ = process
(assign) = (<=)

module(inputs, outputs) =entity in's,out's
input [23:0] k_in; = k_in :in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);

you can refer above links also for more clear

i think you can easily have a quick learn to not much different .

i learned vhdl first ,but now i use verilog more . they are very similar .

in the code above i don't understand theses syntax:

assign sum5=D2 + {D2[23],D2[23:1]};
assign sum6={D1[22:0],D1[0]} + {D3[23],D3[23:1]} +sum5;
assign sum7=sum6[23:19] + 1'b1;

can you please explain me the meaning

Thks a lot

**broken link removed**
Verilog Concatenation Operator

in the code above i don't understand theses syntax:

assign sum5=D2 + {D2[23],D2[23:1]};
assign sum6={D1[22:0],D1[0]} + {D3[23],D3[23:1]} +sum5;
assign sum7=sum6[23:19] + 1'b1;

can you please explain me the meaning

Thks a lot

assign sum5=D2 + {D2[23],D2[23:1]}; //mean :i think you don't understand the connection symbol{ }. because the verilog support bit operation,so{D2[23],D2[23:1]}; means a new data contruct by D2[23],D2[23:1].the new data's highest bit is D2[23],and the rest is D2[23:1].

an easy example:
a="abcdef"; a,b..f means '1' or '0';
the {a[5],a[5:1]} is "aabcde".

Thank you Mr. LB for your response. Really i dont undertsatnd. if i want for example sum5=0.5*D2 how can be the syntax in verilog code.

thks a lot

Thank you Mr. LB for your response. Really i dont undertsatnd. if i want for example sum5=0.5*D2 how can be the syntax in verilog code.

thks a lot

sorry ,FPGA does not support floating operation. in FPGA world ,you can just do all your work with '1' or '0'.

in fact you caculate floating numbers in dsp or mcu ,because in the dsp or mcu ,we use some Algorithm instead of direct floating operation,with make you act as operating floating caculate.

we usually use 2c code example do the DSP.

maybe you can check a book,《digital signal processing with field programmable gate arrays》 written by Uwe Meyer-Baese。or you can google,there lots of good papers on the Internet .

---------- Post added at 05:05 ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 ----------

Thank you Mr. LB for your response. Really i dont undertsatnd. if i want for example sum5=0.5*D2 how can be the syntax in verilog code.

thks a lot

in fpga,we do sum5=0.5*D2 like this :I take another common example sum5 = 0.1258 * D2 .

first we expend 0.1258 by mutiplying 2^n( n is base on your Accuracy ),n=10 eg. so 0.1258 multiply 1024 equals 128.8192 we round for 129 .
then we do sum5 = 0.1258 * D2 by sum5 = 129 * D2 .
at last ,we get a product ,and we must cut the last 10 bits ( equal to divide 1024 ).

so ,that is the result . of course ,we can keep the gain if needed.

Here it goes .....
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity md is
  port (
    clk          : in  std_logic;
    rst          : in  std_logic;
    k_in         : in  std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
    v_out        : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    v_out_offset : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end md;

architecture behave of md is
  signal  D1, D2, D3: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  signal  sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6, sum7, v_fd, v_fd_neg : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
begin  -- behave

  sum1 <= k_in + v_fd_neg;
  sum2 <= sum1 + D1;
  sum3 <= D1 + D2;
  sum4 <= D2 + D3;
  sum5 <= D2 + (D2(23) & D2(23 downto 1));
  sum6 <= (D1(22 downto 0) & D1(0)) + (D3(23) & D3(23 downto 1)) + sum5;
  sum7 <= ("0000000000000000000" & sum6(23 downto 19)) + 1;

  process (clk, rst)
  begin  -- process
    if rst = '1' then                   -- asynchronous reset (active high)
      D1           <= (others => '0');
      D2           <= (others => '0');
      D3           <= (others => '0');
      v_out        <= (others => '0');
      v_out_offset <= (others => '0');
    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      D1           <= sum2;
      D2           <= sum3;
      D3           <= sum4;
      v_out        <= sum7(4 downto 1);
      v_out_offset <= sum7(4 downto 1)+ "1000";
    end if;
  end process;

  v_fd     <= ("00000000000000000000" & not(sum7(4 downto 1))) + 1;
  v_fd_neg <= v_fd(3 downto 0) & "00000000000000000000";
end behave;

Here it goes .....
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity md is
  port (
    clk          : in  std_logic;
    rst          : in  std_logic;
    k_in         : in  std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
    v_out        : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    v_out_offset : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end md;

architecture behave of md is
  signal  D1, D2, D3: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  signal  sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6, sum7, v_fd, v_fd_neg : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
begin  -- behave

  sum1 <= k_in + v_fd_neg;
  sum2 <= sum1 + D1;
  sum3 <= D1 + D2;
  sum4 <= D2 + D3;
  sum5 <= D2 + (D2(23) & D2(23 downto 1));
  sum6 <= (D1(22 downto 0) & D1(0)) + (D3(23) & D3(23 downto 1)) + sum5;
  sum7 <= ("0000000000000000000" & sum6(23 downto 19)) + 1;

  process (clk, rst)
  begin  -- process
    if rst = '1' then                   -- asynchronous reset (active high)
      D1           <= (others => '0');
      D2           <= (others => '0');
      D3           <= (others => '0');
      v_out        <= (others => '0');
      v_out_offset <= (others => '0');
    elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then  -- rising clock edge
      D1           <= sum2;
      D2           <= sum3;
      D3           <= sum4;
      v_out        <= sum7(4 downto 1);
      v_out_offset <= sum7(4 downto 1)+ "1000";
    end if;
  end process;

  v_fd     <= ("00000000000000000000" & not(sum7(4 downto 1))) + 1;
  v_fd_neg <= v_fd(3 downto 0) & "00000000000000000000";
end behave;

good man,... i think you can not do all for him.

Thanks a lot you Mr. nand_gates for the code.
I con not resolve until now the problem of multiplication a signal with a coefficient. how can i write the syntax like these? D1, D2 and D3 are signals.

sum3 <= D1 + D3*(-3.6139e-004);
sum6 <= D1*(1.9821) + D2*(1.5040) + D3*(0.4131);

One possible not practical crude solution will be to use look-up table memory for each multiplication!
Second approach will be use floating point /fixed point multiplier IP.
Third approach use soft-core CPU and do the multiplication in software.
Fourth approach simplify the equations as follows

sum6 <= D1*(1.9821) + D2*(1.5040) + D3*(0.4131);
This can be written as
sum6 <= D1*2 + (D2+D2/2) + D3/2; here I am approximating 1.9821 ~2.0 1.5040 ~ 1.5 and 0.4131 ~ 0.5

Hope this helps!

One possible not practical crude solution will be to use look-up table memory for each multiplication!
Second approach will be use floating point /fixed point multiplier IP.
Third approach use soft-core CPU and do the multiplication in software.
Fourth approach simplify the equations as follows

sum6 <= D1*(1.9821) + D2*(1.5040) + D3*(0.4131);
This can be written as
sum6 <= D1*2 + (D2+D2/2) + D3/2; here I am approximating 1.9821 ~2.0 1.5040 ~ 1.5 and 0.4131 ~ 0.5

Hope this helps!

thanks nand for your response. I must use these coefficients with this precision. Can you please help me how can i built a fixed point multiplier IP and how can i apply it in the main vhdl code.

thanks a lot,

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