Advanced Member level 3
mico32 xilinx
Free CPU list:
Here is the list of Free CPUs available or curently under development -
F-CPU 64-bit Freedom CPU h**p://www.f-cpu.org mirror site at h**p://www.f-cpu.de
European Space Agency - SPARC architecture LEON CPU h**p://www.estec.esa.nl/wsmwww/leon
European Space Agency - ERC32 SPARC V7 CPU h**p://www.estec.esa.nl/wsmwww/erc32
Atmel ERC32 SPARC part # TSC695E h**p://www.atmel-wm.com/products click on Aerospace=>Space=>Processors
Sayuri at h**p://www.morphyplanning.co.jp/Products/FreeCPU/freecpu-e.html and manufactured by Morphy Planning Ltd at h**p://www.morphyone.org and feature list at h**p://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/plaza/aj93/waggy/hp/features/morphyone.htm and in Japanese language at h**p://www.morphyplanning.or.jp
OpenRISC 1000 Free 32-bit processor IP core competing with proprietary ARM and MIPS is at h**p://www.opencores.org/cores/or1k
OpenRISC 2000 is at h**p://www.opencores.org
STM 32-bit, 2-way superscalar RISC CPU h**p://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~uf8e-itu
Green Mountain - GM HC11 CPU Core is at h**p://www.gmvhdl.com/hc11core.html
Open-source CPU site - Google Search "Computers>Hardware>Open Source" h**p://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Hardware/Open_Source
Free microprocessor and DSP IP cores written in Verilog or VHDL h**p://www.cmosexod.com
Free hardware cores to speed development h**p://www.scrap.de/html/opencore.htm
Linux open hardware and free EDA systems h**p://opencollector.org
1. h**p://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/CPU-Design-HOWTO-2.html
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Free CPU list:
Here is the list of Free CPUs available or curently under development -
F-CPU 64-bit Freedom CPU h**p://www.f-cpu.org mirror site at h**p://www.f-cpu.de
European Space Agency - SPARC architecture LEON CPU h**p://www.estec.esa.nl/wsmwww/leon
European Space Agency - ERC32 SPARC V7 CPU h**p://www.estec.esa.nl/wsmwww/erc32
Atmel ERC32 SPARC part # TSC695E h**p://www.atmel-wm.com/products click on Aerospace=>Space=>Processors
Sayuri at h**p://www.morphyplanning.co.jp/Products/FreeCPU/freecpu-e.html and manufactured by Morphy Planning Ltd at h**p://www.morphyone.org and feature list at h**p://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/plaza/aj93/waggy/hp/features/morphyone.htm and in Japanese language at h**p://www.morphyplanning.or.jp
OpenRISC 1000 Free 32-bit processor IP core competing with proprietary ARM and MIPS is at h**p://www.opencores.org/cores/or1k
OpenRISC 2000 is at h**p://www.opencores.org
STM 32-bit, 2-way superscalar RISC CPU h**p://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~uf8e-itu
Green Mountain - GM HC11 CPU Core is at h**p://www.gmvhdl.com/hc11core.html
Open-source CPU site - Google Search "Computers>Hardware>Open Source" h**p://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Hardware/Open_Source
Free microprocessor and DSP IP cores written in Verilog or VHDL h**p://www.cmosexod.com
Free hardware cores to speed development h**p://www.scrap.de/html/opencore.htm
Linux open hardware and free EDA systems h**p://opencollector.org
1. h**p://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/CPU-Design-HOWTO-2.html
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