For PA, is max rating average power equal to the CW power?

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Advanced Member level 5
Jul 28, 2010
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I want to use one power amplifier as a pulse amplifer.
Say at X band, I need a pulse amplifer, its peak power is 5KW, and duty cycle is 1%, so the average power is 50W.
I know some Toshiba power amplifier can reach 50W for Continuous Wave.
Can I use this CW Toshiba amplifier for pulse PA?
And any other suggestions or hints?

Most CW parts can run in pulsed mode without too much trouble. One major flaw in your plan is that the 50W CW part probably has too low of breakdown voltages for what you'd need in a 5kW amp.

Hint: find a part that is meant for pulsed designs, rather than re-tasking a CW part... you'll run into other issues that you may have to design "around".
thanks, enjunear, what is "around" meaning?

thanks, enjunear, what is "around" meaning?

Whenever you use a part outside of it's typical design scope (like a CW part in a pulsed PA), there are quite often aspects of the component's design that you will have to find workarounds for. Things like excess capacitance, so you might need to add a speed-up inductor to the biasing circuit. The issues you may run into are as numerous as the number of potential parts you might select. Even parts specifically meant for a certain application occasionally require inventive ancillary circuits to make them behave like you want. It's often best to pick a part that is meant for the circuit you are designing, then you can minimize the amount of time to spend chasing down solutions to the potential workarounds.
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