FIR core xilinx not working

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 12, 2010
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Southern Cali
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I am having a major problem getting the FIR core to work in my design. Here is what I have done so far. I have created a design which contrains a cordic which generates a sine and cosine wave and I am able to change the frequency of these wave over a wide range of frequencies. I have also created a filter using MATLAB fdatool and I made sure it was in fixed point direct form I format. I then took the coeffiecient file generated from MATLAB and Imported it into my FIR filter in my design. When It imports everything seems fine. The frequency response looks about what I would expect and I set the settings for the filter appropriately. I then simulated the filter in modelsim and now matter what frequency I put in the signal passes through unfiltered. I don’t know what to do because I am not receiving errors everything looks fine but It is simply not working. I wish I could provide more detail but there isn’t really anymore. I have attached screen shots of the modelsim output and the settings I am using for the FIR filter core. If anyone could possibly help me I would greatly appreciate it.


for the filter:
look into halfband FIR filters. they are very efficient.
look into using a DDS. this is an alternative to using a cordic.

for the problem:
make sure you have the correct signals. Its easy to forget to connect the output of a filter.
Make sure you are simulating the correct file, and recompile it to be sure.
Make sure you will get an output -- if you have an I filter and a Q filter, make sure both receive a signal.
Change the input to an impulse every N cycles. This should show you the impulse response, which will be the coefficients.

Thank you very much for your replay my problem was when i generated the fileter in matlab is used the wrong sampling frequecny.... for some reason i though that it wouldn't matter....

dionysian said:
Thank you very much for your replay my problem was when i generated the fileter in matlab is used the wrong sampling frequecny.... for some reason i though that it wouldn't matter....

So, did changing the sampling frequency with correct value solved your problem?

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